One of our family’s aims in coming out of Russia and to the United States was to help Westerners to understand Russia, from which the West was cut off for almost a century, their only main source of information being what Soviet propaganda was feeding them.
This week, as I was writing my next weekly column, I received an e-mail from Saher Ahmed (, a university student “currently writing on Russia and the West. …
and particularly how the West has influenced Russian Culture and Society. … I am trying to gain a further understanding of why, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, did Russia not attempt to integrate more with the West? And what led Russia to create an alliance with China over Western countries?”

I have received several other e-mails of the same kind from readers of my columns, and I am happy to see that there is a growing interest in the future destiny of the free world and the United States in particular, for its death will come as triumph and glory to the owners of China, with its 1 billion 300 million people, most of whom are fit to be used as soldiers equipped with the latest weapons and military technology.
The end of the United States will likely mean the end of all the other free countries. Why? The population of China is slaves, as were the inhabitants of slave countries hundreds and thousands of years ago and, similarly, in the twentieth-century Russia (Stalin died in 1953)
and Hitler’s Germany (Hitler committed suicide after he had failed to conquer Russia).
In free countries, people became free to take control of their own lives and engage in activities according to their own choice. Free people are free to do anything except what a court of justice finds harmful to other people.
By a stroke of luck, in 1972, having miraculously escaped from Soviet Russia and still having the bitter taste of Soviet regime, in which I could not freely express my thoughts and write about what was going on in the country I left behind, I found myself writing my book about the horrors of the Stalin regime in the safety of my new home, in New York. My book “The Education of Lev Navrozov: A Life in the Closed World Once Called Russia” was published by Harper&Row, New York, 1975.
Now, in his mail of April 24, Mr. Ahmed asks me why, “after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia did not attempt to integrate into the West? And what led Russia to create an alliance with China?”
The great Russian art was eliminated by Stalin as “decadent” and replaced with the “realistic” glorification of Stalin’s Russia and above all of Stalin himself.
And “what led Russia to create an alliance with China”?
Well, Western countries also have created an “alliance with China.” Western countries are outpacing each other in their efforts to create strong alliances with the slave-owners of China, which encourages Western businessmen to relocate their businesses over to China and enjoy the benefits of cheep labor of their slaves.
As a result of those “friendly alliances,” China is getting stronger and stronger, while free Western countries become victims of their own greed: jobs are leaving for China, causing high unemployment in their own countries; to pay unemployment benefits, governments take high-interest loans from China, thus getting deeper and deeper in debt and depending more and more on China’s goodwill. Western scientists are tempted by enormous benefits offered them by the Chinese dictators in exchange for new military technologies.
As a result, China is getting militarily stronger, while the Western countries are losing their military superiority and ability to defend themselves.
At the same time, the attitudes of Western countries become noticeably lax and less critical of human rights abuses going on in China.
In short, the Western countries are getting high profits from Chinese cheap slave labor at the expense of losing their precious freedom.
Russia, on the other hand, is China’s immediate neighbor and, as any Russian would say, Russia fears an invasion from a giant Chinese army. For many years, the Chinese have been illegally crossing the Russian border and quietly settling down on Siberian soil.
The question of questions is, Do the Western free countries have enough will and courage to realize that unless they change their existing attitudes and misconceptions about the Chinese communist dictators out to take over the world, they are bound to lose their independence and freedom and become part of the Big Dragon’s empire.
Lev Navrozov can be reached at