Victor Davis Hansen: Grifters in chief seek ‘magnum opus’ with return to the White House

Victor Davis Hansen: Grifters in chief seek ‘magnum opus’ with return to the White House

by WorldTribune Staff, November 6, 2016 The good life was not enough for the Clintons – they wanted the “best life”. “For a few criminals, remorse comes with old age; but for the Clintons, near-70 was to be the capstone, the last chance to trump all their prior shenanigans,” Victor Davis Hanson wrote for National […]

Hillary Clinton regularly asked that secret documents be emailed to her maid for printing

Hillary Clinton regularly asked that secret documents be emailed to her maid for printing

by WorldTribune Staff, November 6, 2016 Hillary Clinton routinely asked that secret government documents, including the President’s Daily (intelligence) Brief be sent to the maid of her Washington, D.C. residence for printing, a report said. As secretary of state, Clinton routinely asked Marina Santos to print out sensitive government e-mails and documents even though the […]

Signs of trouble for Democrats seen in low early turnout by black voters in North Carolina

Signs of trouble for Democrats seen in low early turnout by black voters in North Carolina

by WorldTribune Staff, November 4, 2016 Democrats were no doubt alarmed when CNN reported on Nov. 2 that in early voting “African-American turnout has dropped in North Carolina, Florida and Georgia” and the GOP “has improved its standing in Florida, Iowa and North Carolina.” An online New York Times headline read “Black Turnout Soft in Early Voting, Boding Ill for […]

Obama takes up the fight for an ‘underappreciated’ Hillary with 15-stop tour starring himself

Obama takes up the fight for an ‘underappreciated’ Hillary with 15-stop tour starring himself

by WorldTribune Staff, November 4, 2016 CHAPEL HILL, NC — As he fades into the sunset, President Barack Obama is campaigning for a struggling Hillary Clinton. He seem to revel in the challenge which coincidentally keeps the spotlight on himself. Obama, who many say views the election of Clinton as the ultimate verdict on his two-term […]

Columnist fired at Rutgers University student newspaper over use of term ‘illegal alien’

Columnist fired at Rutgers University student newspaper over use of term ‘illegal alien’

by WorldTribune Staff, November 4, 2016 One of the few conservative voices on the Rutgers University student newspaper staff has been fired for his use of the term “illegal alien” in an opinion piece. Aviv Khavich published his final column for The Daily Targum on Oct. 30. In his piece, Khavich argued that immigration enforcement is not “anti-immigrant.” […]

Report: Clinton’s private server was likely hacked by at least 5 foreign intel agencies

Report: Clinton’s private server was likely hacked by at least 5 foreign intel agencies

by WorldTribune Staff, November 3, 2016 Among the avalanche of new and damning evidence in the Hillary Clinton email scandal comes the news that the former secretary of state’s private email server was almost certainly hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies. There was a “99 percent accuracy that it (private server) had been […]

Trump vows to cancel billions in global warming payments

Trump vows to cancel billions in global warming payments

by WorldTribune Staff, November 3, 2016 Donald Trump told supporters in Florida on Nov. 2 that he would cancel billions in U.S. payments to the UN’s Green Climate Fund (GCF). “We will also cancel billions in global warming payments to the United Nations, and use that money to support America’s vital environmental infrastructure and natural […]

Trump anxiety hits Hollywood: Panic attacks, stomach aches, ‘turn off the TV’ . . .

Trump anxiety hits Hollywood: Panic attacks, stomach aches, ‘turn off the TV’ . . .

by WorldTribune Staff, November 3, 2016 The lords of Hollywood are in full hyperventilation mode as they come to grips with the possibility that a peasant revolt will deliver Donald Trump to the White House. The almost daily revelations coming from WikiLeaks and the FBI’s re-opening of its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified […]

Huma Abedin’s handling of classified information a key focus of new FBI investigation

Huma Abedin’s handling of classified information a key focus of new FBI investigation

by WorldTribune Staff, November 2, 2016 Huma Abedin has a track record of handling classified information, a major reason the FBI is looking at hundreds of thousands of emails from a laptop she shared with now-estranged husband Anthony Weiner. That computer, and the sheer volume of emails it contains, is at the center of a […]

The kingdom and the power: Meanwhile, it’s WikiLeaks that reveals the wielding of power by the Democrat elite

The kingdom and the power: Meanwhile, it’s WikiLeaks that reveals the wielding of power by the Democrat elite

by WorldTribune Staff, November 2, 2016 While the re-opened FBI investigation is the current focus of headlines, it is the contents of John Podesta’s emails released by WikiLeaks that reveal just how the power-hungry elites are running America, a columnist for the left-leaning London Guardian writes. The significance of the emails released by WikiLeaks “goes […]