Marines set up first artillery base in Syria for Raqqa fight against ISIS

Marines set up first artillery base in Syria for Raqqa fight against ISIS

by WorldTribune Staff, March 9, 2017 The U.S. Marines have established America’s first artillery base in Syria as the fight to drive Islamic State (ISIS) from its de facto capital at Raqqa intensifies. A U.S. defense official would not speak to the size of the detachment deployed to Syria, but said it included elements of […]

Who is Attorney General Loretta Lynch? FISA court handled two requests to wiretap Donald Trump

Who is Attorney General Loretta Lynch? FISA court handled two requests to wiretap Donald Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, March 8, 2017 Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed off on both FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance) Court requests to wiretap the Trump campaign, according to reports. All applications to the FISA Court were signed off on by the attorney general, ABC news confirmed. This “means that she chose not to investigate the […]

Vermont mayor who supported taking in Syrian, Iraqi refugees loses re-election bid

Vermont mayor who supported taking in Syrian, Iraqi refugees loses re-election bid

by WorldTribune Staff, March 8, 2017 The mayor who had advocated for resettling Iraqi and Syrian refugees into the small city of Rutland, Vermont has lost his bid for re-election. Incumbent Mayor Chris Louras lost in the March 7 election to city alderman David Allaire by more than 700 votes, The Rutland Herald reported. The candidates don’t […]

Poll finds public tiring of media’s incessant attack coverage of President Trump

Poll finds public tiring of media’s incessant attack coverage of President Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, March 8, 2017 Americans have grown “weary” of the seemingly non-stop negative coverage the major media is raining down upon President Donald Trump, according to a new poll. The Investors Business Daily/TIPP poll found the 55 percent are turned off by the coverage of the president and that a roughly equal share […]

Schumer wrong on Planned Parenthood: Abortion provider does not offer mammograms

Schumer wrong on Planned Parenthood: Abortion provider does not offer mammograms

by WorldTribune Staff, March 8, 2017 Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer took to Twitter on March 7 to blast House Republicans’ proposed replacement for Obamacare, which will cut funding to abortion provider Planned Parenthood. “#Trumpcare cuts @PPFA funds, hurting millions of women who turn there for mammograms, maternity care, cancer screenings & more,” Schumer tweeted. The problem with […]

Correspondent points to evidence of high level Deep State leak

Correspondent points to evidence of high level Deep State leak

by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2017 The chief intelligence correspondent for Fox News said only a select few had access to the information that contributed to the resignation of National Security Adviser Mike Flynn. In an appearance on the Tucker Carlson show on March 6, Catherine Herridge said: “…I think it is important for the […]

Trump speaks with leaders of Korea and Japan, calls for urgent meetings

Trump speaks with leaders of Korea and Japan, calls for urgent meetings

by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2017 U.S. President Donald Trump called the leaders of South Korea and Japan on March 7 to discuss North Korea’s latest ballistic missile launch and suggest urgent high-level discussions in response to Pyongyang’s provocations. The South Korean prime minister’s office said acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn and Trump spoke for about […]

‘Big deal’: Mark Levin goes ballistic over media’s ‘lack of curiosity’ on Obama’s surveillance of Trump

‘Big deal’: Mark Levin goes ballistic over media’s ‘lack of curiosity’ on Obama’s surveillance of Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2017 Radio host Mark Levin tore into the major media for its “lack of curiosity and dishonesty” over the Obama administration’s possible wiretapping of the Trump campaign. Levin took the media to task after he was heavily criticized for highlighting the alleged surveillance of Trump, which he countered was based […]

The greatest scandal of our time: Did a sitting American president spy on his successor?

The greatest scandal of our time: Did a sitting American president spy on his successor?

Special to Jeffrey T. Kuhner Former President Barack Obama needs to be investigated. Forget the phony media narrative of President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. The real story is that Obama monitored and spied on Trump. It is the greatest scandal of our time. Over the weekend, Trump issued a barrage of tweets. He […]

Supreme Court sends transgender bathroom case back to lower court

Supreme Court sends transgender bathroom case back to lower court

by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2017 The U.S. Supreme Court sent a transgender-rights case back to a lower court on March 6 after the Trump administration rescinded Obama administration guidelines allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their gender identity in public schools. The decision to send the case back to the 4th Circuit […]