FBI Director Wray balks at demand to disclose FISA application, Strzok role

FBI Director Wray balks at demand to disclose FISA application, Strzok role

by WorldTribune Staff, December 8, 2017 During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Dec. 7, FBI Director Chris Wray was grilled by Rep. Jim Jordan on a former FBI agent’s role in a FISA application that Jordan said “became the basis for a warrant to spy on Americans.” Jordan, a Republican from Ohio, pressed Wray […]

Poll: Millennials, the new voting juggernaut, are 2-to-1 Democrats

Poll: Millennials, the new voting juggernaut, are 2-to-1 Democrats

by WorldTribune Staff, December 7, 2017 Democrats can be encouraged and Republicans have cause for concern in 2018 if millennials who identify as Democrats vote in the midterm elections. A poll released on Dec. 5 by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics found that 65 percent of those aged 18-29 favor Democrats, compared to 33 percent […]

Tillerson reference to maritime blockade gets North Korea’s attention

Tillerson reference to maritime blockade gets North Korea’s attention

by WorldTribune Staff, December 8, 2017 U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s mention of the right for nations to impose a maritime blockade on North Korea got a rise out of North Korea’s state-run media said on Dec. 8. The suggestion of such a blockade is tantamount to an “act of invasion,” Pyongyang’s  Korean Central […]

Blackwater founder charges Washington Post and U.S. intelligence colluded to violate his rights

Blackwater founder charges Washington Post and U.S. intelligence colluded to violate his rights

by WorldTribune Staff, December 8, 2017 The founder of the Blackwater private security firm told Congress in testimony last week that he was the subject of illegal surveillance by Obama administration operatives as confirmed by an article in The Washington Post. The combination, he charged, amounted to a hit job and “political abuse of the […]

‘End the circus’: Columnist urges steps to drain DOJ swamp before it’s too late

‘End the circus’: Columnist urges steps to drain DOJ swamp before it’s too late

by WorldTribune Staff, December 5, 2017 The United States is not yet a banana republic, “but it’ll become one on Trump’s watch if the president doesn’t act to put a stop to the runaway corruption in the Justice Department,” a columnist has warned. Writing for the American Spectator Scott McKay said the President must quickly […]

CIA warns White House it has 3 months to stop North Korean nuclear blackmail

CIA warns White House it has 3 months to stop North Korean nuclear blackmail

by WorldTribune Staff, December 7, 2017 The Trump administration has a “three-month window” to act before North Korea has the ability, including with nuclear weapons, to strike major U.S. cities, the CIA has warned, according to a former U.S. ambassador to the UN. John Bolton said that CIA “chiefs” had made the assessment that the […]

Even Iran and Saudi Arabia agree on Trump decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Even Iran and Saudi Arabia agree on Trump decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

by WorldTribune Staff, December 7, 2017 Regional enemies Saudi Arabia and Iran see eye to eye on one issue. On Dec. 6 both regimes blasted U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and start the process of moving the U.S. embassy to the city. Saudi Arabia called the move “unjustified and […]

From J. Edgar Hoover to James Comey: How the FBI morphed into a ‘proto-KGB’

From J. Edgar Hoover to James Comey: How the FBI morphed into a ‘proto-KGB’

by WorldTribune Staff, December 6, 2017 In the span of 16 years, liberal directors Robert Mueller and James Comey transformed the FBI from an illustrious crime fighting organization to a politically correct retribution machine that is answerable to no one, intelligence and FBI sources say. “Once a bastion of conservative anti-communism under long-time director J. […]

Matt Lauer: What did NBC know and when did NBC know it?

Matt Lauer: What did NBC know and when did NBC know it?

by WorldTribune Staff, December 7, 2017 Despite the denials of current and former NBC executives, Matt Lauer’s long history of sexual misconduct was well known to the “boys club” at the network which brushed Lauer’s behavior “under the carpet,” reports say. “Everybody at NBC knew about Matt Lauer’s sexually inappropriate behavior – and knew not […]

Trump sets stage, announces Jerusalem plan in shock to a rattled region

Trump sets stage, announces Jerusalem plan in shock to a rattled region

by WorldTribune Staff, December 6, 2017 President Donald Trump has confirmed and announced plans to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to set in motion the process of moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. “The president is fulfilling a major promise in his election campaign, and he is also carrying out a series […]