Trump wants U.S. to return to the moon, then shoot for Mars

Trump wants U.S. to return to the moon, then shoot for Mars

by WorldTribune Staff, December 12, 2017 Americans will return to the lunar surface for the first time since 1972 and in the long-term will use the moon as a way-station for a journey to Mars, U.S. President Donald Trump said on Dec. 11. Surrounded by members of the recently re-established National Space Council (NSC), active […]

Heartbreak at the Huffington Post: ‘Sadly, Trump is winning’

Heartbreak at the Huffington Post: ‘Sadly, Trump is winning’

by WorldTribune Staff, December 12, 2017 Much to the chagrin of his many detractors in the mainstream media, President Donald Trump has pulled off a string of major victories in his first year at the White House, an analyst wrote for Huffington Post. “This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to write […]

Reports: White House could order FBI chief to give Congress access to FISA warrant

Reports: White House could order FBI chief to give Congress access to FISA warrant

by WorldTribune Staff, December 12, 2017 President Donald Trump has the lawful authority to force FBI Director Christopher Wray to provide Congress access to a confidential FISA warrant that gave permission for the surveillance of Trump campaign team members, reports say. In testimony before the House Judiciary Committee last week, Wray said he could not […]

Parents halt rule in Delaware schools that would have allowed kids to ‘self-identify’ gender, race

Parents halt rule in Delaware schools that would have allowed kids to ‘self-identify’ gender, race

by WorldTribune Staff, December 7, 2017 Parents and a family organization in Delaware have successfully sidelined a rule that would have allowed children in grades K-12 in the state’s public schools to “self-identify” their gender and race without the consent of their parents. Regulation 225 – referred to as an “anti-discrimination” regulation – would have […]

DNC ‘dossier’ firm tried to link Trump to Clinton friend, a convicted pedophile

DNC ‘dossier’ firm tried to link Trump to Clinton friend, a convicted pedophile

by WorldTribune Staff, December 11, 2017 The firm that contracted out the discredited, Democrat Party-funded Trump dossier also shopped a story that attempted to link then-candidate Donald Trump to a pedophile with close ties to former President Bill Clinton, a report said. Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson “pushed the idea of a close relationship” between […]

Former Facebook VP haunted by guilt; His children ‘aren’t allowed to use that s—t’

Former Facebook VP haunted by guilt; His children ‘aren’t allowed to use that s—t’

by WorldTribune Staff, December 11, 2017 A former vice president at Facebook said he feels “tremendous guilt” about helping to create the Internet behemoth and recommends people take a “hard break” from social media. Chamath Palihapitiya, who joined Facebook in 2007 and became its vice president for user growth, told an audience at Stanford Graduate […]

Attorney for IT worker who took a hammer to Clinton cell phones is Mueller deputy

Attorney for IT worker who took a hammer to Clinton cell phones is Mueller deputy

by WorldTribune Staff, December 11, 2017 A top attorney on special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating alleged Trump campaign ties to Russia also represented the IT staffer who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server, a report said. Aaron Zebley was an attorney for Justin Cooper, the IT aide who set up the private email […]

UNC board weighs conservative center to foster diversity, counter ‘mono-culture’

UNC board weighs conservative center to foster diversity, counter ‘mono-culture’

by WorldTribune Staff, December 10, 2017 Members of the UNC Board of Governors are thinking a conservative-leaning center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill would restore intellectual balance to the state’s college campuses. “We are trying to address a problem that seems to be endemic in higher education all across the United […]

Iran calls on Islamic states to sever ties with U.S.; Abbas cancels Pence meeting

Iran calls on Islamic states to sever ties with U.S.; Abbas cancels Pence meeting

by WorldTribune Staff, December 10, 2017 President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and plans to move the U.S. embassy to the city gives Muslim states an opportunity to unite and sever ties with the U.S., the deputy speaker of Iranian parliament said. “The least move the Muslim states can make is […]

The anti-Trump beat: Big media outlets downplay rash of factual errors

The anti-Trump beat: Big media outlets downplay rash of factual errors

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, December 10, 2017 The same major media outlets that bristle whenever President Donald Trump tweets “Fake News!” continue to provide the president with ammunition. A rash of factual errors in the past week alone raises questions about once rigorous standards of objectivity and professionalism in today’s news industry. On Dec. 8, […]