Not so superpowerful: Obama, Xi talk but the days of grand summits are past

Not so superpowerful: Obama, Xi talk but the days of grand summits are past

Sol W. Sanders   There was less than met the eye at the two-day summit of China’s Xi Jinping and President Barack Obama. Neither party was in a position to tackle the growing list plaguing the relationship between the superpower and the superpower-wannabe. That might or might not have been a product of their particular […]

Oklahoma survivors remind U.S. of its founding spirit, now banished in D.C.’s ‘golden ghettoes’

Oklahoma survivors remind U.S. of its founding spirit, now banished in D.C.’s ‘golden ghettoes’

Sol W. Sanders   A couple of decades ago when that temple of conspicuous consumption, Neiman Marcus, opened another store in metropolitan Washington, my old friend and astute political observer, the late Nat McKitterick, warned me we were lost. For it was about that time when “a political class” was becoming apparent in the nation’s […]

Woe is not us: From one new energy revolution (shale gas) to another (fire ice)

Woe is not us: From one new energy revolution (shale gas) to another (fire ice)

Sol W. Sanders   As the shale gas revolution begins to ripple through, reordering the world economy, another fossil fuel revolution is in the offing which will again torpedo most conventional wisdom concerning energy. So-called “peak oil”, the end of petroleum exhausted by expanding consumption and diminishing discoveries, the love story of environmental fanatics, has […]

Benghazi: The honor of the American military is hanging in the balance

Benghazi: The honor of the American military is hanging in the balance

Sol W. Sanders   Despite the distractions of a continuing unemployment crisis and the media’s concentration on stories of human depravity, the scandal of the death of four Americans including an ambassador in Benghazi — “a long time ago” according to the administration’s spokesman — will not be put down. Three sets of issues follow […]

The high cost of refusing to call an Islamic terrorist an Islamic terrorist

The high cost of refusing to call an Islamic terrorist an Islamic terrorist

Sol W. Sanders   The President of the United States and his administration are jeopardizing national security by rejecting the obvious ties between jihadist terrorism and Islam. By refusing to identify the terrorists as a part, however pernicious, of the overall Muslim community, he makes it difficult if not impossible for the kind of counterintelligence […]

Media whores, celebrity government and declining U.S. influence

Media whores, celebrity government and declining U.S. influence

Sol W. Sanders   America’s prostituted mainline media and supercilious celebrity culture are helping to facilitate the Obama administration’s destruction of U.S. government credibility. The impression is growing that President Obama’s pomposity on strategy and policy are hollow rhetoric despite their ballyhooing by a kept press, increasingly unconvincing to his domestic audience and to the […]

Time to counter totalitarian Islam in the war of ideas

Time to counter totalitarian Islam in the war of ideas

Sol W. Sanders   Untangling all the strands of the Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack will take enormous effort and time, long past the patience of the American public to follow the full-fledged autopsy. But one important element needs the attention of U.S. intellectuals who have largely abdicated their role. It is a discussion of the […]

A world in need of leadership: Picking up the post-Cyprus geopolitical pieces

A world in need of leadership: Picking up the post-Cyprus geopolitical pieces

Sol W. Sanders   It’s early on but some new disturbing geopolitical trends are emerging or being emphasized from the Cyprus financial crisis that go far beyond continuing the very real threat to the Euro and the whole economic structure of the European Union. Offstage, it has exposed the growing deterioration of the Russian regime […]

The Holy Land: Just another stop for the eternal campaigner

The Holy Land: Just another stop for the eternal campaigner

Sol W. Sanders   So now we know what President Obama’s trip to Israel was all about: There was more than a little puzzlement. He had waited through almost five years of his first administration to visit America’s only trusted ally in the Mideast. He had made a grand tour of the region early on, […]

Obama’s Alice-in-Wonderland foreign policy

Obama’s Alice-in-Wonderland foreign policy

Sol W. Sanders   That clanking and screeching you hear out of Washington, almost drowning out the caterwauling of the budget debate, is the Obama administration making a 180-degree turn on Pacific Ocean anti-missile defense. As usual with the cloying mainstream media, the significance of this complete reversal of strategy has been obfuscated at the […]

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