Report: U.S., Taliban agree in principle to peace ‘framework’

Report: U.S., Taliban agree in principle to peace ‘framework’

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty U.S. and Taliban officials have agreed in principle to the “framework” of a peace deal, The New York Times quotes U.S. special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad as saying after five days of talks between the militant group and the United States in Qatar. Both sides have said […]

GREATEST HITS, 1: Media silence as gang rape survivor from northern Iraq wins Nobel Peace Prize

GREATEST HITS, 1: Media silence as gang rape survivor from northern Iraq wins Nobel Peace Prize

CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE: Countdown: Top stories of 2018 by WorldTribune Staff, October 17, 2018 News that Yazidi sex slave survivor Nadia Murad has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war barely registered on the American media radar screen. Murad […]

Report confirms Middle Eastern terrorists among migrants; Total number unknown

Report confirms Middle Eastern terrorists among migrants; Total number unknown

by WorldTribune Staff, November 28, 2018 Islamic State (ISIS) and Taliban terrorists have hidden among migrants attempting to enter the United States illegally, a report confirmed. Based on public documents, there have been at least 15 cases of terrorists and at least 100 migrants from nations that harbor terrorist groups who have crossed the border […]

The Gaza blowup and prospects for a ‘three-state solution’

The Gaza blowup and prospects for a ‘three-state solution’

Special to By Sol W. Sanders The Israel-Arab peace effort is suddenly exploding. But whether all this movement will usher in the Trump Administration’s promise “of a peace of the century” is another question. After a year’s discussions led by Trump’s Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner, the Administration Special Mideast representative, the president’s design is […]

Marketable skills: Refugee from Iraq showed FBI how to make bombs in Vegas

Marketable skills: Refugee from Iraq showed FBI how to make bombs in Vegas

by WorldTribune Staff, November 5, 2018 An Iraqi refugee who built two bombs in a Las Vegas condo has been arrested in an FBI sting after allegedly teaching undercover agents how to make and detonate the devices. Ahmad Suhad Ahmad, a 30-year-old Iraqi refugee living in Tucson, was the subject of a two-year FBI undercover sting. […]

Seven adults from same family arrested in France for pledging online allegiance to ISIS

Seven adults from same family arrested in France for pledging online allegiance to ISIS

by WorldTribune Staff, November 2, 2018 Seven Syrians, all members of the same family, who had pledged allegiance online to Islamic State (ISIS) were arrested in Paris by French authorities despite liberalized laws on viewing jihadist Internet sites. Heavily armed police stormed the family’s residence in the Sablons district on Oct. 30, arresting seven members of […]

Gulf states join U.S.-led sanctions on Taliban sponsors; Iran accuses Saudis of Khashoggi distraction

Gulf states join U.S.-led sanctions on Taliban sponsors; Iran accuses Saudis of Khashoggi distraction

by WorldTribune Staff, October 24, 2018 Two Iranian military officers were among nine individuals tied to Afghanistan’s Taliban who have been blacklisted by an international organization set up to combat the financing of terrorism. The U.S. Treasury Department on Oct. 23 said the seven-nation Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC) blacklisted the individuals in order to […]

Iran says diplomat arrested in bomb plot has full diplomatic immunity

Iran says diplomat arrested in bomb plot has full diplomatic immunity

by WorldTribune Staff, October 18, 2018 The Iranian diplomat who was arrested in connection to a plot to bomb an Iranian opposition group rally in Paris enjoys full diplomatic immunity, Iran’s Foreign Ministry said on Oct. 14. Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said the diplomat, Assadollah Assadi, has full immunity, clarifying earlier media reports that […]

Iranian diplomat extradited to Belgium to face charges in bomb-plot case

Iranian diplomat extradited to Belgium to face charges in bomb-plot case

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty An Iranian diplomat who is the suspected mastermind of an attack that allegedly was planned on Iranians living in exile in France has been extradited from Germany to Belgium, security officials said. Previously identified as Assadollah Assadi by AFP, the 46-year-old diplomat based in Austria was […]

Bolton calls radical Islam ‘top transnational terrorist threat,’ demands full stop to Iran energy exports

Bolton calls radical Islam ‘top transnational terrorist threat,’ demands full stop to Iran energy exports

by WorldTribune Staff, October 5, 2018 Radical Islam represents “the pre-eminent transnational terrorist threat to the United States and to the United States’ interests abroad,” U.S. national security adviser John Bolton said on Oct. 4 as he presented President Donald Trump’s new counterterrorism strategy. The strategy gives greater priority to Iran, which Bolton called “the world’s […]

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