France’s pendulum swing to the left jolts a continent’s fault lines

France’s pendulum swing to the left jolts a continent’s fault lines

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Tone, tenor, and style separate Nicolas Sarkozy from Francois Hollande as much as clear political ideology divided the two contenders for the French presidency. But sentiments like voter discontent, backlash and anti-austerity describe the mood French voters were in when they elected the Socialist candidate. Francois Hollande’s victory with […]

Russian admiral pours cold water on idea of China ‘military alliance’

Russian admiral pours cold water on idea of China ‘military alliance’

Special to Compiled by Miles Yu, Week-long Chinese-Russian naval exercises in the Yellow Sea ended April 27 with much official hype but little convincing enthusiasm. That’s because throughout the exercises China desperately tried to convince the world that a solid Sino-Russian military alliance was in the works. The Chinese Defense Ministry called the […]

A Soviet front that exploited the black-white divide and the U.S. ‘leaders’ it published

A Soviet front that exploited the black-white divide and the U.S. ‘leaders’ it published

Special to By Cliff Kincaid Newly declassified documents from Operation SOLO, an FBI program to infiltrate the Communist Party of the United States, reveal that a journal called Freedomways, which was influential in the black community for decades, was subsidized by the Soviet and Chinese Communist Parties. Freedomways has been called “one of the […]

Seoul food: From mad cows to madder N. Koreans who might kill for any kind of beef

Seoul food: From mad cows to madder N. Koreans who might kill for any kind of beef

Special to By Donald Kirk, SEOUL — The sequence is simple: One more sick American cow, and the government here is in big trouble. The government here gets into trouble, and the North Korean regime can exploit the differences and make good on its dire threats, e.g., the one about “special actions” lasting […]

U.S. ties Israel aid to Iron Dome technology access

U.S. ties Israel aid to Iron Dome technology access

Special to WASHINGTON — The United States has conditioned aid for Israeli missile and rocket defense to propriety rights in the new Iron Dome system. Congress has stipulated that U.S. aid for the production of Israeli missile defense systems would be linked to access to technology. The House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee, in […]

New York Times accepts advertising critical of Catholics, not radical Islam

New York Times accepts advertising critical of Catholics, not radical Islam

Special to By Cliff Kincaid Speaking at the April 25 New York Times annual meeting, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., chairman of The New York Times Company, tried to justify the rejection of an ad calling attention to the alleged oppressive nature of the Islamic religion and the “vengeful, hateful and violent teachings” of Islam’s prophet. […]

Collapsing Europe is in crisis and the U.S. bailout option, for once, is not available

Collapsing Europe is in crisis and the U.S. bailout option, for once, is not available

Sol W. Sanders   [See Archive] Despite the fact that Europe is in the Northern Hemisphere, the downward swirl of the euro this month took a reverse direction and started going left — counterclockwise. Maybe it is the first part of the Mayan prediction that gravity will fail later this year and we will all […]

The New York Times takes on the City’s terrror-fighting police commissioner

The New York Times takes on the City’s terrror-fighting police commissioner

Special to By Cliff Kincaid At The New York Times annual meeting on April 25, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Arthur Sulzberger Jr. denied that his paper was waging a war on the New York City Police Department and its commissioner, Ray Kelly. The denials are not convincing. As I arrived in New York […]

Twilight for two once-great civilizations

Twilight for two once-great civilizations

Jeffrey T. Kuhner France’s decay serves as a warning to America. For centuries, Paris was the cradle of Western civilization. The French, however, have hit hard times. Their country is dying, and most French citizens don’t seem to care. This threatens to be our fate as well. France’s first-round presidential elections were held on Sunday. […]

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