Analyst offers plan for making China pay damages for its virus

Analyst offers plan for making China pay damages for its virus

by WorldTribune Staff, April 7, 2020 People died and economies collapsed as the result of China’s coronavirus negligence. Many are calling on China to pay for the damage it maliciously inflicted on the world. But how can China be forced to pay up? A lawsuit against China which seeks $20 trillion in damages has been […]

Meanwhile, Soros-Clinton forces push for dubious voting solutions

Meanwhile, Soros-Clinton forces push for dubious voting solutions

by WorldTribune Staff, April 7, 2020 Democrats and their megadonors are looking to use the coronavirus crisis to push for major, permanent changes in the U.S. system of voting, including vote by mail, curbside voting and ballot harvesting, reports say. The George Soros-funded Brennan Center for Justice has called for the use of drop boxes […]

Taiwan and South Korea: 2 coronavirus strategies yielded contrasting outcomes

Taiwan and South Korea: 2 coronavirus strategies yielded contrasting outcomes

by WorldTribune Staff, April 7, 2020 Taiwan and South Korea have been lauded by many health officials and media organizations as models of successful strategies to combat the coronavirus. However, while South Korea’s testing strategy has reportedly flattened the curve of infections, it still has more than 10,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19. Taiwan has 355. […]

White House press corps seeks to silence Asian American correspondent

White House press corps seeks to silence Asian American correspondent

by WorldTribune Staff, April 7, 2020 Leftist media personalities who control the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) attempted to banish a conservative reporter from White House briefings after the reporter called out the major media for spouting Chinese propaganda on the coronavirus, a report said. The WHCA on April 1 voted to ban One American […]

Bill Gates’ coronavirus conflicts of interest

Bill Gates’ coronavirus conflicts of interest

by WorldTribune Staff, April 7, 2020 Billionaire globalist Bill Gates, in an op-ed for The Washington Post last week, said “The country’s leaders need to be clear: Shutdown anywhere means shutdown everywhere. Until the case numbers start to go down across America — which could take 10 weeks or more — no one can continue […]

Bidens fail to acknowledge Hunter’s love child as one of their grandkids

Bidens fail to acknowledge Hunter’s love child as one of their grandkids

by WorldTribune Staff, April 7, 2020 During what they called a “Family Town Hall on COVD-19,” Joe and Jill Biden talked about how they have six grandchildren, with Joe saying that “every single day I either talk to them or we text.” Observers noted that the Bidens actually have seven grandchildren, but were not acknowledging […]

After infecting the world, China cashes in on medical exports

After infecting the world, China cashes in on medical exports

by WorldTribune Staff, April 6, 2020 After allowing the Wuhan coronavirus to escape its borders to become a worldwide health catastrophe, China is now cashing in on the pandemic to the tune of billions of dollars via the export of medical supplies. The communist government is even selling supplies that were donated by other nations […]

Ted Cruz: ‘Driving a car alone is not a public health threat’

Ted Cruz: ‘Driving a car alone is not a public health threat’

by WorldTribune Staff, April 6, 2020 Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz has warned Democratic officials against crossing the line into authoritarianism with the strict enforcement of stay-at-home orders. Cruz tweeted on Sunday: “This is absurd. To Dem politicians (and it seems to be only Dems doing this, eg Wolf in PA, DeBlasio in NYC, Cooper […]

As world awakens to China’s duplicity, urgent consequences are due

As world awakens to China’s duplicity, urgent consequences are due

Special to WorldTribune , April 6, 2020 Commentary by Lee Cohen The world’s leading economies have been saddled so far with costs from the coronavirus pandemic nearing $4 trillion and China must be pursued for its role in the crisis. A reset of relations with the communist behemoth is urgently required and there will surely […]

Like WWII: Here’s how private sector has backed U.S. response to virus crisis

Like WWII: Here’s how private sector has backed U.S. response to virus crisis

by WorldTribune Staff, April 6, 2020 As they did during the war effort in the 1940s, America’s large and small businesses “are now stepping up to aid both in combating the invisible enemy and in helping Americans who are hurting physically and financially at this time,” a columnist noted. “This is in part the genius […]