The great American eclipse of 2017: Summer fun or beginning of the end?

The great American eclipse of 2017: Summer fun or beginning of the end?

by WorldTribune Staff, August 21, 2017 If you missed the “Great American Eclipse of 2017” on Aug. 21, you will have several more opportunities in the next decade, if you are willing to travel, to view an eclipse. If you’re staying put, it will be much longer. A solar eclipse’s path passes where you live […]

Terrorism’s Grim Reaper returns to open borders Europe: ‘They will not terrorize us’

Terrorism’s Grim Reaper returns to open borders Europe: ‘They will not terrorize us’

Special to By John J. Metzler PARIS — The hateful hand of terrorism struck in Barcelona, as a van driven by a Jihadi militant plowed into scores of strollers on the city’s celebrated Ramblas promenade, killing 14 and injuring 130. The starkly simple but devastating attack method was used in Nice, France a year […]

Judge orders IRS to explain delays, name names in targeting of conservatives

Judge orders IRS to explain delays, name names in targeting of conservatives

by WorldTribune Staff, August 21, 2017 The IRS must name the specific employees it blames for targeting tea party groups for extra scrutiny and must prove it has halted the targeting of the groups, a federal judge ordered last week. Judge Reggie B. Walton also said the IRS must explain why the IRS delayed extending non-profit status to 38 […]

U.S. Pacific fleet halts ops after 4th incident in 2017; USS John McCain collides with tanker

U.S. Pacific fleet halts ops after 4th incident in 2017; USS John McCain collides with tanker

by WorldTribune Staff, August 21, 2017 The USS John McCain guided-missile destroyer’s collision with an oil tanker in the early morning hours of Aug. 21 off the coast of Singapore marks the fourth incident involving the U.S. Pacific Fleet this year. Five U.S. sailors were injured and 10 are reported missing. Four of the five […]

Survivor Assad thanks Russia and Iran, rebukes Turkey

Survivor Assad thanks Russia and Iran, rebukes Turkey

by WorldTribune Staff, August 21, 2017 Syrian President Bashar Assad said he was grateful to Russia, Iran and Iran-backed Hizbullah for helping him survive attempts from the West to overthrow him. “Their direct support – politically, economically, and militarily – has made possible bigger advances on the battlefield and reduced the losses and burdens of […]

‘Surrender or die’: Iraq launches offensive against ISIS in Tal Afar

‘Surrender or die’: Iraq launches offensive against ISIS in Tal Afar

by WorldTribune Staff, August 21, 2017 Iraq’s military launched an offensive on Aug. 19 to retake one of the last pockets of territory in Iraq held by Islamic State (ISIS). In announcing an offensive to retake Tal Afar, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi warned ISIS fighters in the city to “either surrender or die.” Tal […]

Privatizing the revolution: ‘Swamp’ forced Bannon’s exit, new information war declared

Privatizing the revolution: ‘Swamp’ forced Bannon’s exit, new information war declared

by WorldTribune Staff, August 20, 2017 American voters made themselves heard last November, but since then Trump supporters have been subjected to non-stop invective and push-back from Washington’s “ruling class” and the Left in the dominant media culture. As pro-Trump conservatives debated over the weekend the meaning of Steve Bannon’s departure Friday from the White […]

Trump set to announce major decision on Afghanistan

Trump set to announce major decision on Afghanistan

by WorldTribune Staff, August 20, 2017 U.S. President Donald Trump, after consulting at Camp David with his national security aides, has made a decision on U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis said. “I am very comfortable that the strategic process was sufficiently rigorous and did not go in with a pre-set position,” […]

The geopolitics of a 2nd Korean War: Seoul can’t necessarily veto pre-emptive strike

The geopolitics of a 2nd Korean War: Seoul can’t necessarily veto pre-emptive strike

by WorldTribune Staff, August 20, 2017 South Korean President Moon Jae-In said last week that any U.S. military action taken against North Korea would first need the consent of South Korea. “This is a firm agreement between South Korea and the United States. The people can be assured that there will be no war,” Moon […]

Spanish police: Imam from Morocco radicalized Barcelona terrorists

Spanish police: Imam from Morocco radicalized Barcelona terrorists

by WorldTribune Staff, August 20, 2017 A Muslim cleric who left his post in the Spanish town of Ripoll in June is suspected of radicalizing the terrorists who carried out the Barcelona attack, authorities in Spain said. Authorities said they searched the home of the imam, Abdelbaki Es Satty, on Aug. 19 as part of […]