UN Assembly opens amid widening wars and humanitarian crises

UN Assembly opens amid widening wars and humanitarian crises

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler, September 17, 2023 Presidents, prime ministers, kings and potentates are converging on New York for the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly. The 78th annual Assembly of the world organization presents both a global gala and expanded Summit meeting to try to solve a myriad of […]

Take your pick: Another Covid lockdown or a temporary government lockdown?

Take your pick: Another Covid lockdown or a temporary government lockdown?

Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore, September 13, 2023 What’s worse? When politicians shut down the government, or when they lock down businesses, stores, schools, churches and restaurants — and nearly all private commerce in America? If you haven’t heard, the media and congressional Democrats are near cardiac arrest over the prospect of a government […]

Who is Team Biden’s ‘best and brightest’? It’s not KJ and she’s not saying

Who is Team Biden’s ‘best and brightest’? It’s not KJ and she’s not saying

Special to WorldTribune.com By Bill Juneau, September 12, 2023 She is the daughter of Haitian parents from Martinique. Her dad drove a taxi and her mother styled hair in a New York beauty salon. They wanted their daughter, Karine Jean- Pierre to be a doctor, but Jean-Pierre lacked the brain power to be a physician […]

September 11: ‘What’s gone missing is the feeling of solidarity …’

September 11: ‘What’s gone missing is the feeling of solidarity …’

Special to WorldTribune, September 11, 2023 By Tracy Dahlby [The following by former Tokyo correspondent for Newsweek and chairman of the University of Texas Journalism Dept. Tracy Dahlby was written for the Austin American-Statesman on September 11, 2011.] I’m fighting a form of nostalgia about 9/11, but it’s not easy to resist. As we head […]

‘It’s Trump in 2024, or it’s over; It’s darkness; It’s Big Brother; It’s slavery; It’s the end’

‘It’s Trump in 2024, or it’s over; It’s darkness; It’s Big Brother; It’s slavery; It’s the end’

Special to WorldTribune.com Commentary by Wayne Allyn Root, September 10, 2023 I don’t think enough Americans understand the gravity of the situation we’re in. We are facing the end of the GOP. We are facing the reality that if former President Donald Trump doesn’t win in 2024, there will never be another Republican president. That’s […]

After Afghanistan: Global conflicts widen, endure and spread

After Afghanistan: Global conflicts widen, endure and spread

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler, September 8, 2023 It’s been two years since the fall of Afghanistan. The tragic collapse of Kabul to the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban signaled the last sordid chapter in the Biden Administration’s appalling and shambolic “withdrawal” from America’s longest military commitment. But beyond the perceived American weakness and strategic […]

Hope for American dreams of homeownership, wrecked by Biden policies

Hope for American dreams of homeownership, wrecked by Biden policies

Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore, September 8, 2023 In boasting about Bidenomics two weeks ago in Milwaukee, President Joe Biden declared that his policies are “restoring the American dream.” Then he went into his creepy whispering mode and assured us “it’s working.” Huh? Isn’t a big aspiration of the American dream owning a home? […]

Why young Americans are so ignorant about evil

Why young Americans are so ignorant about evil

Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager, September 4, 2023 Most of our schools teach almost nothing of importance, and nothing is more important than the study of good and evil. In the United States today, nearly all schools, from elementary through graduate, concentrate on teaching about racism, sexism, preferred pronouns, homophobia, transphobia, LGBTQIA+, climate change, diversity, […]

UN Security Council shines a light on Kim dynasty’s rights violations, long ignored by member nations

UN Security Council shines a light on Kim dynasty’s rights violations, long ignored by member nations

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler, August 27, 2023 Most countries politely prefer to look the other way when it comes to confronting widespread reports of North Korean human rights violations. After all what can you do about what goes on in one of the world’s most closed and repressive communist regimes [headed by […]

Winner? Donald J. Trump; Losers? Fox and GOP friends

Winner? Donald J. Trump; Losers? Fox and GOP friends

Special to WorldTribune.com Commentary by Wayne Allyn Root, August 26, 2023 We learned several things from the GOP debate on Aug. 23. Former President Donald J. Trump was the biggest winner — by a mile. First, he won by not showing up and having to lower himself to fight the entire gang of also-rans who […]

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