Like with the other ‘big guy,’ Democrats bent the rules for Senate’s Fetterman

Like with the other ‘big guy,’ Democrats bent the rules for Senate’s Fetterman

Special to By Bill Juneau, September 30, 2023 The towering senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, is going to have to abandon his hooded sweatshirt, golf shorties and sneakers if he intends to participate in legislative rhetoric on the senate floor in the capitol building in Washington, D.C. But he says he will do it […]

How Trump wins: 56 million American seniors deserve a break

How Trump wins: 56 million American seniors deserve a break

Special to Commentary by Wayne Allyn Root, September 28, 2023 All Democrats do to win elections, other than rigging and fixing them with mail-in ballots; no voter ID; ballot harvesting; ballot drop boxes; no signature match; dirty voter rolls that haven’t been cleaned in years; illegal aliens voting by the millions; and counting fake […]

CCP’s ‘digital fentanyl’: TikTok, a billionaire GOP donor and U.S. national security

CCP’s ‘digital fentanyl’: TikTok, a billionaire GOP donor and U.S. national security

Special to WorldTribune, September 27, 2023 Commentary by Laurence F Sanford TikTok talks money. Despite being an insidious influence on American culture and national security, TikTok has support from many monied and influential elite leaders in the U.S. Money talks. Wall Street billionaire Jeff Yass is fighting to stop a ban on Chinese-owned TikTok on […]

Of no consequence: UN General Assembly debates Ukraine war, moves on

Of no consequence: UN General Assembly debates Ukraine war, moves on

Special to By John J. Metzler, September 27, 2023 The arc of history passed through the UN last week as the global Assembly debated and deliberated on the ongoing war in Ukraine. Storm clouds from far off Eastern Europe descended over the delegations meeting in New York, who while largely and resolutely condemning the […]

Wisdom from ‘Braveheart’ and unredacted American history

Wisdom from ‘Braveheart’ and unredacted American history

Special to WorldTribune, September 26, 2023 Commentary by Mike Scruggs Not long ago, I ran across a quote attributed to Scottish martyr and hero William Wallace, depicted by Mel Gibson in the 1995 movie, Braveheart. Wallace warned against the consequences of crushing the cultural heritage, symbols, and traditions of conquered peoples. “Any society which suppresses […]

Hey, Republicans: Don’t forget about growth and prosperity

Hey, Republicans: Don’t forget about growth and prosperity

Special to By Stephen Moore, September 26, 2023 House Republicans are in another titanic battle with President Joe Biden on how to balance the budget. Actually, it’s a lopsided debate because Democrats have no interest at all in reducing the deficit. They are operating under the delusional idea paradigm of “Modern Monetary Theory,” which […]

How did Fani Taifa Willis use federal funds to prosecute the ruling party’s political opponent?

How did Fani Taifa Willis use federal funds to prosecute the ruling party’s political opponent?

Special to Commentary by Bill Juneau, September 19, 2023 Fulton County Georgia District Attorney Fani Taifa Willis is doing her part as a loyal Democrat to destroy former President Trump, and prevent him from running for President in 2024. But her political torpedo has gotten repositioned, and the 54-year-old Willis has herself become the […]

Columnist: Washington establishment’s ‘narrative’ on Ukraine is ‘largely propaganda’

Columnist: Washington establishment’s ‘narrative’ on Ukraine is ‘largely propaganda’

Special to WorldTribune, September 18, 2023 Editor’s Note: One casualty of America’s loss of a Free Press is independent, fact-based reporting on critical news of geopolitical consequence. This commentary counters the dominant “narrative” about the Russia-Ukraine war with alternative sources and information. “Facts” cited by the warring narratives are also in dispute. Commentary by Mike […]

If Trump loses . . . . Look at what Democrats accomplished when the GOP had power

If Trump loses . . . . Look at what Democrats accomplished when the GOP had power

Special to Commentary by Wayne Allyn Root, September 18, 2023 Last week I warned that 2024 is literally the pivotal year in the history of the United States of America.  …. I want you to think long and hard about what Democrats have achieved in just seven short years since 2016. During those seven […]

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