As red-hot campaign rhetoric intensifies, the North Koreans are taking notes

As red-hot campaign rhetoric intensifies, the North Koreans are taking notes

Special to By Donald Kirk WASHINGTON ― The venom of opposing forces in the U.S. presidential campaign inspires comparison to the rhetoric of Kim Jong-un and his propaganda machine. Insults, accusations, and lies are common currency of the opposing candidates. Having just watched the hyper speech-making that accompanied the nomination of Donald Trump at […]

Can Judeo-Christian civilization co-exist with Islam? The showdown has begun

Can Judeo-Christian civilization co-exist with Islam? The showdown has begun

Special to By Sol W. Sanders The most difficult political and cultural debate since the decision of the Western alliance to destroy fascism in 1939 or the American decision to help resurrect Europe in 1945 has begun. The discussion will be an intense examination of Islam and its role in the modern world. It […]

Beijing responds to landmark ruling on the South China Sea by landing airliners on militarized islets

Beijing responds to landmark ruling on the South China Sea by landing airliners on militarized islets

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — In a major legal setback for Beijing, an international tribunal has rejected and rebuffed many of Mainland China’s claims regarding exclusive sovereignty and rights in the disputed South China Sea. The landmark ruling in the Hague, by the Permanent Court of Arbitration stated there was […]

Jolly good? Post-Brexit politics cuts to the chase and only one lady is left standing

Jolly good? Post-Brexit politics cuts to the chase and only one lady is left standing

Special to By Donald Kirk LONDON ― Nobody does politics like the Brits. Just as Hillary and the Trumpster were turning into bores in the U.S., along came an unpredictable change in the leadership of the United Kingdom. While one conservative takes over from another as prime minister, confusion reigns. For the benefit of […]

Why racial bigotry has gotten worse: The yawning gap between Obama and the African American community

Why racial bigotry has gotten worse: The yawning gap between Obama and the African American community

ISpecial to By Sol W. Sanders There was a general expectation among Americans that the election of a president with a black face would improve race relations, a continuing and profound anomaly in the freest of nations. There was even a suggestion that particularly in the academic and media communities that hope was one […]

NATO 2.0: More important now than ever

NATO 2.0: More important now than ever

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — In a sense NATO has been a victim of its own success. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also known as the Atlantic Alliance, has rested on its post Cold War laurels and the afterglow of the fall of the Berlin Wall and political freedom throughout […]

Letter from London: A lady warns Britain faces tougher challenges than Brexit angst

Letter from London: A lady warns Britain faces tougher challenges than Brexit angst

Special to By Donald Kirk LONDON ― Here in the eye of Typhoon Brexit, the hot air, internet and print media reverberate with the shockwaves of what is seen as the End of Britain as we know it or a tempest in a teapot. The roar of the storm is such that it can […]

Musical chairs at UN Security Council as world faces ’40 conflicts and 11 full blown wars’

Musical chairs at UN Security Council as world faces ’40 conflicts and 11 full blown wars’

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The annual round of musical chairs in the UN Security Council came early this year as elections for five new non-permanent members to the fifteen member council were held as to give prospective countries more time to prepare for their two-year tenure beginning in January. […]

Brexit comes as a shock depending on which Brits you talk to

Brexit comes as a shock depending on which Brits you talk to

Special to By Donald Kirk WASHINGTON ― We’ve been reading for so long about Britain’s economic troubles, the social system and the culture intertwined with the country’s slow, not always graceful, decline, that the British exit from the European Union comes as less than a shock. Or if it is a shock, that’s because […]

The die is cast: Brexit will revive the ‘Special Relationship’ and sink the Eurocracy

The die is cast: Brexit will revive the ‘Special Relationship’ and sink the Eurocracy

Special to By Sol W. Sanders Back in 1887 the famous poet and storyteller Oscar Wilde quipped: ‘We [English] have really everything in common with America nowadays except, of course, language’. We got another example of this malediction in the blah-blah-blah which has attended Britain’s decision to leave the European Union. What is most […]

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