National security impact of last Clinton White House raises concerns about couple’s return

National security impact of last Clinton White House raises concerns about couple’s return

by WorldTribune Staff, November 7, 2016 Can U.S. national security survive another dose of Clinton governance? Bill Clinton said of his wife during the 1992 campaign for the White House that he was offering “two for the price of one.” The same likely applies to Hillary Clinton who would return a former president to the […]

In rare break with precedent, two Chinese officials come out against Trump

In rare break with precedent, two Chinese officials come out against Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, November 7, 2016 Chinese officials, usually hesitant to jump into U.S. politics, have twice in recent days criticized Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump over his threat to back out of a global climate accord. “If Trump were to insist on doing things his own way, then he would pay a heavy price […]

Stepped-up Chinese assistance to North Korea worries South, violates UN sanction resolutions

Stepped-up Chinese assistance to North Korea worries South, violates UN sanction resolutions

Special to By Geostrategy-Direct While a signer to the UN sanction measures against North Korea after Pyongyang’s repeated nuclear and missile tests, China is stepping up its economic and energy assistance to Pyongyang. Using humanitarian assistance as a pretext, Beijing is building multiple bridges over the border waterway of the Tumen River to increase […]

Pax China: Manila’s capitulation sets ominous precedent for U.S. allies in Far East

Pax China: Manila’s capitulation sets ominous precedent for U.S. allies in Far East

Special to By Donald Kirk Rodrigo Duterte was reputed as a killer long before his election as president of the Philippines five months ago. He countenanced the slaughter of hundreds of drug addicts and dealers while mayor of Davao, the major port city on the rebel-infested southern island of Mindanao, and has applauded the […]

Hillary Clinton threatened to ‘ring China with missile defense’ if N. Korea nuclear program not stopped

Hillary Clinton threatened to ‘ring China with missile defense’ if N. Korea nuclear program not stopped

by WorldTribune Staff, October 14, 2016 Hillary Clinton warned that if Beijing didn’t “control” North Korea the U.S. would “ring China with missile defense.” The Chinese military was “the biggest supporters of a provocative North Korea. So China, come on. You either control them or we’re going to have to defend against them,” the former […]

The brilliant Samantha Power’s two problems: China and her ‘monster’ comment about another powerful woman

The brilliant Samantha Power’s two problems: China and her ‘monster’ comment about another powerful woman

Special to By Donald Kirk Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, is on a fast track, and that’s not just in terms of her hot-shot career. She’s up against a tight deadline. She’s got until Jan. 20 to persuade the U.N. Security Council to strengthen what she says is already the […]

Trudeau, Li proclaim ‘golden decade’ for Canadian-Chinese economic ties; Really?

Trudeau, Li proclaim ‘golden decade’ for Canadian-Chinese economic ties; Really?

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Justin Trudeau, Canada’s media star Prime Minister, in his first address to the General Assembly, presented a wide-ranging tableaux of liberal platitudes and glowing feel good commitments. Proclaiming an almost theological commitment to diversity, an acceptance of Syrian refugees, and climate change policies, Trudeau presented […]

As the world watched anxiously: Foreign policy double talk in the first presidential debate

As the world watched anxiously: Foreign policy double talk in the first presidential debate

Special to By Donald Kirk The exchanges between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in their first debate left an uneasy feeling about U.S. foreign policy. While Trump worried about all the money the U.S. has been squandering overseas, Clinton came through with ritual affirmation of U.S. treaty commitments. Their words were empty, less than […]

Report: Obama orders Pentagon to downplay ‘competition’ with China

Report: Obama orders Pentagon to downplay ‘competition’ with China

by WorldTribune Staff, September 28, 2016 The White House has ordered U.S. defense officials not to speak publicly about military competition with China, a report said. The directive comes from the National Security Council (NSC) and instructs Pentagon officials to replace the phrase “great power competition” with something less likely to aggravate China in official […]

All is not well in China, but CCP media unleash glowing info-offensive

All is not well in China, but CCP media unleash glowing info-offensive

Special to By Willy Lam, ‘Inside China’, Propaganda specialists surrounding President Xi Jinping are working overtime to burnish his reputation as a close-to-the-people savior who can best acquit himself of Chairman Mao’s “serve the people” credo. Xinhua News Agency over the weekend released a long dispatch on “the basic reform orientations” of Xi […]