China conducts tourism war on Taiwan and its first female president

China conducts tourism war on Taiwan and its first female president

Special to President-elect Donald Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy by confirming on Dec. 2 that he had accepted a congratulatory call from Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen. By Geostrategy-Direct China is turning up the heat on Taiwan’s independence-leaning new government under President Tsai Ing-wen who was sworn in May as the island democracy’s first […]

New British carriers to join allied effort to secure air, sea routes in South China Sea

New British carriers to join allied effort to secure air, sea routes in South China Sea

by WorldTribune Staff, December 2, 2016 British aircraft carriers will join freedom of navigation efforts in the South China Sea, the UK’s ambassador to the U.S. said on Dec. 1. “Certainly, as we bring our two new aircraft carriers onstream in 2020, and as we renew and update our defense forces, they will be seen […]

UN sanctions target N. Korea’s lucrative coal exports to China

UN sanctions target N. Korea’s lucrative coal exports to China

by WorldTribune Staff, December 1, 2016 New UN sanctions on North Korea over its nuclear program are squarely aimed at the North’s lucrative coal exports to China. Coal exports will be cut by about 60 percent under a strict new sales cap. Exports of copper, nickel, silver, zinc and the sale of statues will also […]

Memo to President-elect Trump: Beware of the experts on East Asia’s chessboard

Memo to President-elect Trump: Beware of the experts on East Asia’s chessboard

Special to By Donald Kirk The process of “making America great again” is filled with perils and pitfalls, nowhere more so than in Asia. The intricacies and subtleties of the Great Game for Asia often are about as incomprehensible to the experts as they are to amateurs and know-nothings. As President-elect Donald Trump and […]

Facebook’s Zuckerberg is a team player with the CCP on censorship policies

Facebook’s Zuckerberg is a team player with the CCP on censorship policies

by WorldTribune Staff, November 23, 2016 Facebook’s core mission statement is “to make the world more open and connected.” When it comes to the Far East, the “more open” world takes a back seat as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appears to be more in line with the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) core interests. Long blocked […]

Shanghai? Seriously? Ten percent of voters wrote in Trump’s name vs. CCP candidates

Shanghai? Seriously? Ten percent of voters wrote in Trump’s name vs. CCP candidates

Special to By [The following excerpt is from the new edition of which will be published Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2016] Communist China also has elections this year but the candidates on all ballots have to be chosen by the Communist Party, which renders the elections meaningless and a sham. But his year, […]

Trump consults Kissinger on relations with China, Russia, Iran

Trump consults Kissinger on relations with China, Russia, Iran

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty U.S. President-elect Donald Trump sought out the advice of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on China, Russia, Iran, and Europe, his office said on November 17. Kissinger, 93, who served under former Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, is best known for opening the door […]

UN resolution damns ‘inhuman’ and ‘alarming’ North Korean rights abuses

UN resolution damns ‘inhuman’ and ‘alarming’ North Korean rights abuses

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — A powerful UN committee has scathingly criticized the systematic human rights abuses in communist North Korea.  In a damning ten-page resolution, the Third Committee has offered a detailed and precise indictment of a deteriorating human rights situation in the quaintly titled Democratic People’s Republic of […]

Chinese spyware found on 700 million Android phones

Chinese spyware found on 700 million Android phones

by WorldTribune Staff, November 17, 2016 Chinese-authored spyware that can be used to track a user’s movements and communications has been found on some 700 million Android smartphones, security researchers said. The spyware, discovered by Virginia-based Kryptowire, was reportedly authored by Chinese startup Shanghai Adups Technology Company. “The Department of Homeland Security was recently made […]

China’s Xi Jinping prescribes global standards for Internet governance

China’s Xi Jinping prescribes global standards for Internet governance

by WorldTribune Staff, November 16, 2016 Chinese President Xi Jinping sees the need for global Internet standards – as long as they don’t infringe on any country’s “cyber sovereignty.” “The development of the Internet knows no international boundaries. The sound use, development and governance of the Internet thus calls for closer cooperation,” Xi said in […]