Unforgiven: IRS has not only continued its war on tea party groups, but taken it public

Unforgiven: IRS has not only continued its war on tea party groups, but taken it public

by WorldTribune Staff, October 6, 2016 After admitting it targeted tea party groups for special scrutiny in 2013, the IRS promised to process the groups’ applications in a timely fashion. Three years later, tea party groups say the tax agency has begun a new round of harassment. The IRS has sent a new set of […]

Linda Tripp on the real Hillary Clinton: ‘Completely different human being from the one presented to voters’

Linda Tripp on the real Hillary Clinton: ‘Completely different human being from the one presented to voters’

by WorldTribune Staff, October 6, 2016 Hillary Clinton is a “coarse, profane political operative … with no moral compass,” according to former White House staffer Linda Tripp, whose workspace was located directly adjacent to the then-first lady’s second floor West Wing office. “The voting public will never see behind the Clinton mask. But if they […]

The Pence factor: VP debate provides unexpected boost for Team Trump

The Pence factor: VP debate provides unexpected boost for Team Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, October 5, 2016 Mike Pence’s debate performance on Oct. 4 trumped that of Democratic candidate Tim Kaine,  according to media analysts from both conservative and liberal media outlets. GOP vice presidential candidate Pence was triumphant with a “measured” approach while Kaine continued his campaign’s focus on petty “name-calling,” political commentator Dick Morris […]

Largest segment in recent U.S. immigrant surge came from Muslim nations

Largest segment in recent U.S. immigrant surge came from Muslim nations

by WorldTribune Staff, October 4, 2016 Census Bureau data show that of the more than 42 million immigrants, legal and illegal, in the United States, the largest percentage increase in immigrants is from majority Muslim nations. According to a report by Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) authors Steven A. Camarota, director of research, and Karen […]

The ‘illegal publishing’ of Trump’s tax returns: ‘Crony journalism’ has joined ‘crony justice’, Limbaugh charges

The ‘illegal publishing’ of Trump’s tax returns: ‘Crony journalism’ has joined ‘crony justice’, Limbaugh charges

by WorldTribune Staff, October 4, 2016 Partial transcript from Rush Limbaugh’s Oct. 3 radio show. “The illegal publishing of Donald Trump’s tax return encapsulates and validates the reason why an outsider absolutely must be elected president, if you ask me. This is an act of illegality. Donald Trump has followed the law. Nobody in this […]

Feminist group at Duke U. offers ‘safe space’ for ‘male-identified’ students to ponder ‘toxic masculinity’ and other gender themes

Feminist group at Duke U. offers ‘safe space’ for ‘male-identified’ students to ponder ‘toxic masculinity’ and other gender themes

by WorldTribune Staff, October 4, 2016 Duke University is urging Y-chromosomers to contemplate just what kind of people they are. The Duke Men’s Project, a program sponsored by the Duke Women’s Center, is offering males a “safe space” for a lecture series on “toxic masculinity”. “Toxic masculinity encourages men to suffer in silence from depression,” […]

Report: Veterans face hostility, discrimination in federal workplace

Report: Veterans face hostility, discrimination in federal workplace

by WorldTribune Staff, October 3, 2016 American military veterans who are now working for the federal government are facing resentment and hostility from co-workers, a report said. Some, including many who were wounded in action, have also been denied promotions and pay raises, security correspondent Rowan Scarborough wrote for The Washington Times on Oct. 2. […]

Report: Clinton ally Gov. McAuliffe stifles probe of voter fraud in Virginia

Report: Clinton ally Gov. McAuliffe stifles probe of voter fraud in Virginia

by WorldTribune Staff, October 3, 2016 More than 1,000 non-citizens in eight Virginia localities have voted in recent elections in the key swing state and the Democrat governor is reportedly stonewalling an investigation that could uncover an even larger election fraud problem. “One thousand votes or so is enough to swing a close election in […]

End of checks and balances: Majority GOP capitulated on every major spending issue

End of checks and balances: Majority GOP capitulated on every major spending issue

by WorldTribune Staff, October 3, 2016 What difference has it made that Republicans held a majority in both houses of the 114th Congress? The GOP gave Democrats all they asked for in the budget, then beat a retreat back home to run for re-election in hopes of maintaining that majority – to what end? Why […]

Bolton: ‘Slow-rolling’ fight against ISIL will drag on if Hillary wins

Bolton: ‘Slow-rolling’ fight against ISIL will drag on if Hillary wins

by WorldTribune Staff, October 3, 2016 Hillary Clinton would continue President Barack Obama’s “slow-rolling” fight against Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) while Donald Trump would look to “rapidly” defeat the terror organization, former U.S. ambassador to the UN John Bolton said. “Hillary Clinton is going to be Barack Obama’s third term,” Bolton, who […]

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