by WorldTribune Staff, October 16, 2020
Police should be trained to shoot perpetrators in the leg instead of a “shoot to kill” mentality, Democrat president candidate Joe Biden said during the Thursday night ABC News town hall.
While answering a question about the 1994 Crime Bill, Biden called for “transparency,” banning chokeholds, and “de-escalating.” He explained de-escalation by saying, “So, instead of anybody coming at you and the first thing you do is shoot to kill, you shoot them in the leg.”
Biden, who in past interviews said he supports defunding police, championed the 1994 Crime Bill which resulted in the mass incarceration of young black men.
The Democrat candidate on Thursday also suggested increasing background checks for police officers in order to find those who are best suited for the job. He also called for hiring “psychologists and social workers” to go with police when they are sent on a call.
The “shoot the leg” strategy has been pushed by Biden before.
On June 1, Breitbart News reported Biden’s statement that police should shoot suspects “in the leg instead of the heart.”
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