2020 conspiracy? More like a massive ‘insurance policy’ in collusion with Big Tech, major media

2020 conspiracy? More like a massive ‘insurance policy’ in collusion with Big Tech, major media

by WorldTribune Staff, December 4, 2020 Was there an “insurance policy” for the “Blue Wave” which Democrats and their allies in the major media guaranteed was coming in the 2020 election? “If they were truly that confident Joe Biden could become leader of the world through Zoom calls from his basement, then why did Democrats […]

Oh-so-serious leftist mob takes aim at conservative satire

Oh-so-serious leftist mob takes aim at conservative satire

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, December 4, 2020 The Internet is only big enough for one perennial fake news site. CNN has already claimed that crown, and it’s no laughing matter. So it is no surprise that CNN is at the forefront (yes that network’s personalities are actually doing this) in calling on Facebook and Twitter […]

Sidney Powell files lawsuits in Wisconsin and Arizona, cites election officials for ‘egregious conduct’

Sidney Powell files lawsuits in Wisconsin and Arizona, cites election officials for ‘egregious conduct’

by WorldTribune Staff, December 3, 2020 Attorney Sidney Powell this week has filed new lawsuits in Wisconsin and Arizona charging “massive election fraud” took place. Powell’s suit in Wisconsin, filed on Tuesday, alleges an “egregious range of conduct” at the direction of Wisconsin state election officials in Milwaukee County and the City of Milwaukee, along […]

Dominion contractor Melissa Carone captivates nation on social media

Dominion contractor Melissa Carone captivates nation on social media

by WorldTribune Staff, December 3, 2020 Melissa Carone, a Dominion Voting Systems contractor who worked at Detroit’s TCF Center on Election Day, testified before the Michigan House Oversight Committee on Dec. 2 that she witnessed thousands of ballots being counted numerous times in Dominion machines. “I observed numerous employees, city workers, running batches of ballots […]

CNN exposed: Hunter Biden laptop story off limits, producers were told

CNN exposed: Hunter Biden laptop story off limits, producers were told

by WorldTribune Staff, December 3, 2020 Project Veritas on Tuesday released undercover audio in which CNN chief Jeff Zucker is heard instructing his staff to downplay the New York Post’s bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story that implicated Joe Biden in a foreign influence-peddling scheme. On Oct. 14, the day the Post published the story, CNN […]

Yes, Bill Clinton did visit Epstein’s pedophile island, ex-president’s longtime counselor says

Yes, Bill Clinton did visit Epstein’s pedophile island, ex-president’s longtime counselor says

by WorldTribune Staff, December 3, 2020 Bill Clinton did in fact visit Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, according to Doug Band, a longtime counselor and friend of the former president. In an interview published Dec. 2 in Vanity Fair, Band said Clinton visited Epstein’s Little St. James in January 2003. It long been charged that guests […]

FBI Director Wray call the office: Photos surface of Biden spokeswoman cavorting with top Russians

FBI Director Wray call the office: Photos surface of Biden spokeswoman cavorting with top Russians

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, December 3, 2020 Caught red handed. There’s collusion afoot in the Biden universe. As Adam Schiff would say, what’s the kompromat? A photo has emerged showing Jen Psaki, an Obama administration official who would be press secretary in the event of a Joe Biden presidency, sporting a pink hammer & sickle […]

Shooting for socialism, hitting capitalism: AOC peddling $58 ‘Tax the Rich’ sweatshirt

Shooting for socialism, hitting capitalism: AOC peddling $58 ‘Tax the Rich’ sweatshirt

by WorldTribune Staff, December 3, 2020 [Not Satire] Get your AOC merch. Just in the time for the holidays, the official Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez online shop is taking orders. [WorldTribune.com has a satire section but the ironies abounding in the news are better.] In the New York Democrat’s online store at shop.ocasiocortez.com, you can purchase a […]

Analysis of Pennsylvania mail-in ballots shows nearly impossible margins for Biden

Analysis of Pennsylvania mail-in ballots shows nearly impossible margins for Biden

by WorldTribune Staff, December 2, 2020 Independent media and social media investigators continue to document the widespread and often large scale irregularities that occurred in the 2020 election. The Blaze on Nov. 30 reported on a “deep dive” analysis of the mail-in ballots counted in Pennsylvania which show voting margins favoring Democrat Joe Biden that […]

U.S. flagged concerns about Smartmatic and voting data fraud in 2006 cable from Caracas

U.S. flagged concerns about Smartmatic and voting data fraud in 2006 cable from Caracas

by WorldTribune Staff, December 2, 2020 The murky history of Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems is coming into focus thanks to independent media and social media investigators. The major U.S. media have demonstrated minimal curiosity about the firms and how votes are tabulated and adjudicated in modern elections. And the U.S. Government’s dismissive public stance […]