FAITH MATTERS: Trivializing evil is a GOP mistake

FAITH MATTERS: Trivializing evil is a GOP mistake

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto It is disconcerting that probably the most compelling statement made in this year’s disagreeable U.S. election campaign has received virtually no public attention. Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of Springfield in Illinois warned Catholic voters of planks in the Democratic Party Platform “that explicitly endorse intrinsic evils.” He meant abortion […]

Donald Trump, Germany and the Fox News media culture

Donald Trump, Germany and the Fox News media culture

By Uwe Siemon-Netto, A nauseating remark by Donald Trump on Fox News about Germany this week made me wonder if today’s American and European conservatives are living on the same planet – assuming for the sake of an argument that this network is the authentic voice of conservatives in the U.S.A. Discussing the Euro […]

FAITH MATTERS: Easter, Santorum and the spread of fatal, self-centered thinking in the West

FAITH MATTERS: Easter, Santorum and the spread of fatal, self-centered thinking in the West

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto As Christianity is set to celebrate its highest feast in the church year, a Christian from overseas may be forgiven for asking his American coreligionists two troubling questions concerning the faltering campaign of Sen. Rick Santorum and the trivialization of life-and-death concerns in the current electoral season of the […]

FAITH MATTERS: Keep up the talk about Satan, ‘Father of Lies’

FAITH MATTERS: Keep up the talk about Satan, ‘Father of Lies’

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto, On the eve of the Republican primaries in Michigan and Arizona I would like to direct an urgent appeal to Sen. Rick Santorum: “Please keep talking about Satan; somebody’s got to do it!” This is not meant facetiously. Even though I am neither a U.S. citizen nor a […]

Proud, for once, to be a German

Proud, for once, to be a German

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto, It’s been more than two years since my last visit to Germany, my native land. This time I traveled home at the height of the Eurozone crisis. I returned to California just before Christmas filled with pride in my compatriots. Don’t get me wrong. I am not particularly […]

 WORLD MATTERS: An Edmund Burke conservative in Europe protests Brexit ‘bigotry’ by U.S. conservatives

  WORLD MATTERS: An Edmund Burke conservative in Europe protests Brexit ‘bigotry’ by U.S. conservatives

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto Of the half-billion people living in the European Union, 440 million are not British. These 440 million all live in functioning democracies. Most of those 27 countries are members of NATO, and therefore allies of the United States. And they sent soldiers to fight on the side of their […]

WORLD MATTERS: The Brexit sorrow of an Anglo-German couple

WORLD MATTERS: The Brexit sorrow of an Anglo-German couple

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto “Oh dear, I’d better stay in bed,” groaned my English wife, Gillian, when I woke her on Friday morning with the sad news that her compatriots had voted to leave the European Union. Before pulling the blanket over her head she said, “Life will never be the same again.” […]

WORLD MATTERS: Yes, European conservatives agree, U.S. politics and media are in free fall

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto Pardon an outburst from a fervent friend of the United States: Yes, Secretary of State John Kerry is right! This year’s election campaign is indeed an embarrassment to America! As Kerry said, America’s friends around the world are shocked. I am a European conservative, and I am shocked. I […]

Death of an American hero: Larry Grathwohl infiltrated Weather Underground and continued to speak out

Death of an American hero: Larry Grathwohl infiltrated Weather Underground and continued to speak out

Special to By Cliff Kincaid Larry Grathwohl may be best known as the FBI informant in the Weather Underground who disclosed the murderous roles of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, in their Weather Underground criminal gang. Unexpectedly, Larry, a good friend for many years, passed away last week. The Weather Underground had put out […]