Open letter to the American people: We Soviet emigres have already seen this movie

Open letter to the American people: We Soviet emigres have already seen this movie

Lev Navrozov Am I to believe that I have wasted forty years of my life in this country trying to explain the nature of dictatorship and what it meant to have been born and lived in Stalin’s paradise the first half of my life? Have I failed to pass on to you my first-hand knowledge […]

Gertz: U.S. intel officials charge ‘cover up’ of Iran’s terror role in Egypt, Libya, Syria

Gertz: U.S. intel officials charge ‘cover up’ of Iran’s terror role in Egypt, Libya, Syria Weeks before the presidential election, President Barack Obama’s administration faces mounting opposition from within the ranks of U.S. intelligence agencies over what career officers say is a “cover up” of intelligence information about terrorism in North Africa. Intelligence held back from senior officials and the public includes numerous classified reports revealing clear Iranian support […]

FAITH MATTERS: Trivializing evil is a GOP mistake

FAITH MATTERS: Trivializing evil is a GOP mistake

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto It is disconcerting that probably the most compelling statement made in this year’s disagreeable U.S. election campaign has received virtually no public attention. Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of Springfield in Illinois warned Catholic voters of planks in the Democratic Party Platform “that explicitly endorse intrinsic evils.” He meant abortion […]

Rumsfeld calls for regime change: ‘Where we are and how we got here’

Rumsfeld calls for regime change: ‘Where we are and how we got here’

Special to Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld spoke at the 30th anniversary celebration of The Washington Times at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. on Oct. 2. Following is a transcript of his remarks. With the presidential election only a few weeks away, it’s appropriate to discuss where our country is […]

A closer look at Netanyahu’s UN speech

A closer look at Netanyahu’s UN speech

Special to By Ed Koch On Sept. 27, 2012, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu of Israel delivered a speech to the United Nations. That speech is well worth reading, if someone is interested in world events and, in particular, a discussion of why it is a matter of life and death whether Iran is able […]

What is our once-free press good for? Absolutely nothing

What is our once-free press good for? Absolutely nothing

Sol W. Sanders   The great American newspaper is dying, done in by incompetent journalists and management unable to deal with asphyxiation brought on by the digital revolution. It is going out not with a bang, but a whimper. That simpering you see is subservience to the Obama administration, sometimes with such intellectual corruption that […]