A Soviet front that exploited the black-white divide and the U.S. ‘leaders’ it published

A Soviet front that exploited the black-white divide and the U.S. ‘leaders’ it published

Special to WorldTribune.com By Cliff Kincaid Newly declassified documents from Operation SOLO, an FBI program to infiltrate the Communist Party of the United States, reveal that a journal called Freedomways, which was influential in the black community for decades, was subsidized by the Soviet and Chinese Communist Parties. Freedomways has been called “one of the […]

Selling priceless freedom, for a modest profit, to the enemy

Selling priceless freedom, for a modest profit, to the enemy

Lev Navrozov One of our family’s aims in coming out of Russia and to the United States was to help Westerners to understand Russia, from which the West was cut off for almost a century, their only main source of information being what Soviet propaganda was feeding them. This week, as I was writing my […]

Seoul food: From mad cows to madder N. Koreans who might kill for any kind of beef

Seoul food: From mad cows to madder N. Koreans who might kill for any kind of beef

Special to WorldTribune.com By Donald Kirk, East-Asia-Intel.com SEOUL — The sequence is simple: One more sick American cow, and the government here is in big trouble. The government here gets into trouble, and the North Korean regime can exploit the differences and make good on its dire threats, e.g., the one about “special actions” lasting […]

U.S. ties Israel aid to Iron Dome technology access

U.S. ties Israel aid to Iron Dome technology access

Special to WorldTribune.com WASHINGTON — The United States has conditioned aid for Israeli missile and rocket defense to propriety rights in the new Iron Dome system. Congress has stipulated that U.S. aid for the production of Israeli missile defense systems would be linked to access to technology. The House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee, in […]

New York Times accepts advertising critical of Catholics, not radical Islam

New York Times accepts advertising critical of Catholics, not radical Islam

Special to WorldTribune.com By Cliff Kincaid Speaking at the April 25 New York Times annual meeting, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., chairman of The New York Times Company, tried to justify the rejection of an ad calling attention to the alleged oppressive nature of the Islamic religion and the “vengeful, hateful and violent teachings” of Islam’s prophet. […]

Big Government’s nightmare: The Internet

Big Government’s nightmare: The Internet

Lev Navrozov Even Stalin would have had a very long way to go before becoming the owner of the globe. Russia, which Stalin seized as its absolute owner, had technologically lagged behind the countries with developed capitalist systems. Germany, for example, had become industrialized long before Russia. It is hard to imagine what Russia would […]