by WorldTribune Staff, February 11, 2020
A high school administrator in Virginia reportedly told students not to fly the U.S. flag from their vehicles when they drove to school because it was potentially “offensive” and “disruptive.”
The students’ response? They formed a caravan of vehicles flying the American flag when they drove to school the next day.

BTW21 News reported on Feb. 3 about Franklin County High School, which is located east of Roanoke and Christiansburg, where the flags displayed behind trucks have become a target for school administrators.
“My son called me from school saying that he saw an administrator around his truck and is now being called to the office,” the report quoted a mother of one of the students as saying.
On Feb. 3, the mother said her son and two of his friends were told they could no longer fly their American flag on their trucks because it was potentially “offensive” and “disruptive.”
The mother told BTW21 that she received a call from the school principal, Jon Crutchfield, the evening of Feb. 3.
“He has apologized to the boys and told them that it is not against the rules to fly their flag on their truck. Apparently, it was a big misunderstanding that should have never gotten this far,” the mother said.
The students showed up in unity on Feb. 4, displaying American flags on their vehicles. Several local residents posted photos of the caravan driving through town with the flags on their vehicles.
Author and radio host Todd Starnes said in an Instagram post that “A public school in Virginia told a bunch of teens they could not fly Old Glory because it might offend people. So the next day the kids showed up to school driving pickup trucks and waving Old Glory – like any red-blooded patriot would do.” Starnes posted a video of the students which he said a parent had sent him.
“I love that we have young American students standing for our American Flag,” one citizen wrote on Facebook.
Once a reliable Red State, analysts say Virginia has transformed into a haven for Democrats pushing a leftist agenda. Democrats last year, for the first time in 26 years, won control of both the state’s House and Senate.
The Federalist on Feb. 7 ran an op-ed by Ashley Bateman headlined “What Today’s Insanely Left Democratic Party Is Doing With Virginia Will Scare You”.
Bateman noted that “Four weeks into the General Assembly, the new majority is voting in laws restricting parents’ rights, removing religious protections, and disturbing rights traditional to Virginians” including an all-out assault on the Second Amendment.
See Bateman’s full column here
See Starnes’s Instagram post here
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