Trump vows to pardon all ‘peaceful’ J6 protesters, commute sentence of Libertarian hero Ross Ulbricht

by WorldTribune Staff / 247 Real News May 26, 2024

During his address to the Libertarian Party Convention on Saturday, former President Donald Trump said he would sign off on pardons for J6 political prisoners on “Day One” if he wins back the White House.

Trump also pledged to commute Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht’s life sentence to time served.

“If you vote for me, on Day 1, I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht to a sentence of time served,” Trump said during his Saturday night remarks at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C. “He’s already served 11 years, we’re gonna get him home.”

In 2015, Ulbricht was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences plus 40 years – effectively, life in prison without the possibility of parole – for creating and operating Silk Road. The now-defunct darknet marketplace was used to anonymously buy and sell goods, but was largely used for drugs. Silk Road operated from 2011 to 2013 and is widely considered the first real-world use case for Bitcoin.

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