by WorldTribune Staff, April 28, 2019
Japan’s automobile makers will invest $40 billion in U.S. manufacturing facilities, President Donald Trump said at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin on April 27.

The Japanese leader and his wife, Akie, joined Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, for a couples’ dinner on April 26 in the White House residence to celebrate the U.S. first lady’s 49th birthday. The also leaders found time for a quick round of golf on April 27.
Trump and Abe share a love of golf and have played together both in Japan and the U.S.
The president said he and Abe would head out very early on April 27 to play a “quick round of golf at a very beautiful place on the Potomac River. I won’t name the place, but it’s beautiful.”
“Prime Minister [Shinzo] Abe, we’re negotiating trade deals because every country has been ripping us off for years, and I really like the prime minister, he’s a friend of mine, but I said, ‘Mr. Prime Minister, we gotta do something,’ ” Trump said. “For so many decades we’ve been losing tens of billions of dollars to China, and Japan, and India, and name any country and we lost, but we’re not losing anymore.”
Trump said he told Abe, “I said listen, we gotta do something. $68 billion in trade losses over the last four or five years, a year. So we’re renegotiating and I think he’ll be fair. I think he’ll be fair.”
“By the way, he started by saying he’s putting $40 billion into the United States for new car factories,” the president said of Abe’s commitment.
“Toyota is coming in with $14 billion dollars. Many, many companies are coming in. And they’re coming in, frankly, to Michigan. They’re coming back, they want to be back, to Ohio, to Pennsylvania, to North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and what’s the name of this special place – it’s called Wisconsin.”
“So they’ll be investing shortly and it’s started already, $40 billion with a b, $40 billion dollars, and it’ll be a lot more than that,” Trump said.
“We’re now the number one economy in the world and it’s not even close.”
The president vowed that at the end of the next six years, Americans will be left with the strongest country they’ve ever had.
Abe has had more face time and telephone conversations with Trump than any other world leader, said Michael J. Green, senior vice president for Asia and Japan Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
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