by WorldTribune Staff, May 15, 2018
The FBI appears to have successfully inserted a spy into the Trump campaign, reports say.

“When the FBI talks about a source, they talk about someone who is an average citizen who uses their credentials, their job as a way of spying for the agency,” the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel reported.
“We can take that to mean that there was somebody interacting with the Trump campaign and reporting back to the FBI, which means the FBI was using human intelligence to spy on a presidential campaign.”
Information leaked to The Washington Post said that senior FBI and national intelligence officials tried to stop House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes from receiving information that could “endanger a top-secret intelligence source.”
Stassel added: “It’s time to rip off the Band-Aid. We also know that among the Justice Department’s stated reasons for not complying with the Nunes subpoena was its worry that to do so might damage international relationships. This suggests the ‘source,’ the spy, the implant, may be overseas, have ties to foreign intelligence, or both. That’s notable, given the highly suspicious role foreigners have played in this escapade.”
“Who it is we will eventually learn. But we don’t need to know who it is to know what the FBI did,” radio host Rush Limbaugh said. “When I say ‘the FBI,’ I mean the Obama administration. They infiltrated the Trump campaign with a spy, and while they had that spy implanted, they were unmasking and leaking and obtaining FISA spying warrants and conducting criminal investigations of Trump advisers. This is a big deal. It is a gigantic, big deal. Who the informant was will eventually be learned, as will some other details.”
Limbaugh continued: “I think if you dig deep, we’d have to conclude that it’s an American that the CIA, the FBI, and no doubt MI5 ran in Britain. And I think it’s probably somebody that Christopher Steele knows. And I think whoever the… I don’t think it’s Papadopoulos. I think the spy… I think they ran the spy on Papadopoulos, and I think they deployed their spy on some of the sources that Christopher Steele worked in prepping his dossier. Remember that Steele did all of his work in Britain.”
The the FBI “had the audacity to plant an informant in the presidential campaign of one candidate, not Hillary, but Trump? … [I]t tells you they really believe this nonsense that the Russians and Trump were buddies and were colluding to steal the election,” Limbaugh said. “And that just boggles my mind. … This is gonna be one of the most embarrassing periods in the FBI’s history, when all of this is finally revealed and the history of it written.
“The DOJ/FBI has been stonewalling on the basis that if they reveal the information, lives could be lost, national security implications. But that’s not why. Just as we’ve learned that the other redactions were simply to cover up embarrassing behavior – by the FBI, by Comey, by McCabe – the odds are here that they’re simply trying to withhold the information from Congress because it’s clarifying. Not because lives are at stake.”
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