by WorldTribune Staff, Dec. 3, 2018
There’s a compelling human dimension to all major news stories, and the life experience of a young woman name Nadia Murad is a powerful example.
Remarkably, her story was ignored by the massive media enterprises that wanted to focus American’s attention elsewhere. But it was not ignored by and our worldwide readership have made it the most-read story of the year.
Your holiday donation to Free Press Foundation will support a news service to more widely distribute such editorial content to balance the one-sided media “narratives” that screen out the real news. Thank you for acting now.
Nadia Murad’s story which culminated in a Nobel Peace Price, involved almost incomprehensible suffering at the hands of ISIS terrorists.
“At just 21 years old, she was kidnapped alongside an estimated 3,000 other Yazidi women and girls, traded as sex slaves from one ISIS fighter to another. She was forced to pray, dress up, and apply makeup in preparation for her rape, which was often committed by gangs,” Kelsey Harkness wrote for The Daily Signal on Oct. 12.
Murad said: “My hope is that all women who speak about their stories of sexual violence are heard and accepted, that their voices are heard so they feel safe.”
Instead, that story fell on deaf ears “because being ‘heard’ requires others to listen.
“While any comparison between Nadia’s story and the accusations leveled against newly minted Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh would be completely unfair,” Harkness continued, “it is fair to wonder how news of uncorroborated allegations of gang rape brought by porn lawyer Michael Avenatti can overshadow a gang rape survivor-turned-women’s advocate being honored with the most prestigious award in the world.”
The politicization of news and the substitution of “narratives” for factual reporting might be a formula for outraging a large percentage of the American public. But importantly it poses a threat to the future of our nation and our children’s and grandchildren’s way of life.
Something must be done, but action must be taken not only by the rich and powerful but by all Americans.
Here’s a suggestion: Take a pass on some of those other non-profits with questionable associations and this year donate to a 501(c)(3) that is doing something about the “media problem” that just keeps getting worse.
Free Press Foundation is tackling that problem head on. Solutions in the media arena are critical for addressing the other issues confronting our nation. These are not times for the weak of heart.
In the words Thomas Jefferson, ““Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.”
Yes, one gets a warm feeling inside when backing the good guys during the holidays, but there are significant additional benefits to making your donation to including subscriptions to premium content and membership in an exciting news service that will make it possible for every American who so wishes to join the press corps. Stay tuned for updates.
Thanking you in advance and sending our best wishes for the holidays,
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