by WorldTribune Staff, September 7, 2017
Should a climate-obsessed political-media culture have done more to prepare America for Hurricane Harvey and his threatening sister, Irma?
“For as many billions of dollars, nationally and internationally, that are plowed into meteorology and its bastard love-child climate change, you’d think there would be a preparedness in every community, every household, and in every region,” Raheem Kassam, editor in chief of Breitbart London, wrote in a Sept. 6 column.

“For all of the climate change lobby’s bluster, very little of the billions spent seems to find its way into action-orientated solutions.”
If, as most in that lobby would have you believe, the disasters are “caused by climate change, then that lobby is either grossly negligent or criminally complicit in its failure to keep people and property safe.”
Once again “opportunism rears its head, and proves that climate change as an issue is less about a reduction in the global events we are asked to believe are a consequence of man’s actions on the Earth, and more about an assault on free markets and free peoples,” Kassam wrote.
Considering the “investments” made by so many “virtue signaling corporations” on the topic, the truth is “the cash on hand is used more to lobby to win ‘hearts and minds’ than it is to actually help people.”
“But that’s because the Left doesn’t actually care about real people.”
Instead, “it’s the American Red Cross “funded by your kind donations,” Kassam wrote. “It’s the Cajun Navy. It’s local communities coming together and giving everything they have to bail their neighbors out.”
Just like Europe, “government is becoming the answer to everyone’s problems. Even when the problems haven’t yet manifested themselves, or don’t exist. But hurricanes manifestly do exist, as do other natural disasters that pre-date human involvement in the environment.”
Americans, however, “are being lulled into a false sense of security by both the investment – on their behalves – being pushed into ‘combating climate change’ and the idea that central government will bail them out,” Kassam wrote.
“Whereas an older generation will be well aware of having to stock up on supplies, batten down the hatches, and look after the most vulnerable in their communities, a younger generation are less inclined to that way of thinking.”
Kassam continued: “Crisis situations always bring out the best in people, but it shouldn’t need to come to that.”
The U.S. government is spending record amounts on climate change – “much of which goes to ‘research’ used to bash conservatives over the head.”
From fiscal year 1993 to 2014, “climate science” research spending from governmental sources alone grew from $1.31 billion to $2.66 billon, accounting for a total of $42.49 billion. During the same period, “other” climate-related expenditures totaled $104.29 billion.
“This, when the federal government is arguing over $7 billion for Harvey relief, puts into perspective the excesses of ideology-driven government spending,” Kassam wrote.
“In a nutshell, this represents one of the most grotesque examples of leftist largesse, and why President Trump’s ‘America First’ mantra resonated so well with real people in the real country.”
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