Republicans at the border groan when asked if they would shut down the government

Republicans at the border groan when asked if they would shut down the government

by WorldTribune Staff, January 4, 2024 A group 64 House Republicans representing 26 states gathered in Eagle Pass, Texas on Wednesday at what House Speaker Mike Johnson described as the “epicenter of the crisis we’re having at the border.” Sounds serious. Is it finally time for action? A reporter punctured the balloon when he asked […]

$100 billion in taxpayer money later, GOP takes a stand on Ukraine funding

$100 billion in taxpayer money later, GOP takes a stand on Ukraine funding

by WorldTribune Staff, December 12, 2023 Ukraine leader Volodymyr Zelensky must have been in shock following his latest fundraising visit to Washington, D.C. Congress had already approved sending more than $100 billion in U.S. taxpayer money to Ukraine. So, what happened this time? For the first time since his country’s conflict with Russia began, Zelensky […]