The New York Times vs. consummate New Yorker Donald Trump

The New York Times vs. consummate New Yorker Donald Trump

Special to By Donald Kirk, WASHINGTON ― Talk about local boy making good, and then look at the case of Donald Trump. He’s a New Yorker through and through ― looks, talks and acts like one, arrogant, sneering and sure of himself. So what are the New York papers saying about him? Clearly, […]

WORLD MATTERS: Yes, European conservatives agree, U.S. politics and media are in free fall

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto Pardon an outburst from a fervent friend of the United States: Yes, Secretary of State John Kerry is right! This year’s election campaign is indeed an embarrassment to America! As Kerry said, America’s friends around the world are shocked. I am a European conservative, and I am shocked. I […]

Giuliani: Hillary Clinton ‘helped create ISIL’

Giuliani: Hillary Clinton ‘helped create ISIL’

Special to Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said that Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) emerged on Hillary Clinton’s watch as secretary of state and that she “could be considered a founding member” of the terrorist organization. “She had her chance to (rally people against ISIL) – she helped create ISIL,” […]

Trump’s call to restore American sovereignty panics globalist elites on Left and Right

Trump’s call to restore American sovereignty panics globalist elites on Left and Right

Special to Jeffrey T. Kuhner It’s official: Donald Trump is America’s Hitler. This is now the relentless drumbeat of the mainstream media, along with the Democratic and GOP establishment. The Republican front-runner is being smeared and demonized in a way not seen since Ronald Reagan. Back then, liberals and Beltway Republicans — including George […]

Trump: ‘NATO is costing us a fortune’

Trump: ‘NATO is costing us a fortune’

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said the United States should significantly cut spending on the NATO military alliance. “We certainly can’t afford to do this anymore,” the GOP frontrunner told The Washington Post on March 21. “NATO is costing us a fortune, and yes, we’re protecting […]

Iran’s regime says it prefers dealing with Trump rather than Hillary, ‘tricky’ Obama

Iran’s regime says it prefers dealing with Trump rather than Hillary, ‘tricky’ Obama

Special to Even though it won a slew of concessions from President Barack Obama in nuclear negotiations, Iran’s government claims it prefers a Republican in this year’s presidential election. “According to Iranian authorities, dealing with Republicans is much easier. The amount and complexity of the pressures forced on Iran in the term of George […]

Iran to build statue commemorating capture of U.S. sailors

Iran to build statue commemorating capture of U.S. sailors

Special to Iran will construct a statue to commemorate its capture of 10 U.S. sailors and plans to turn it into a tourist attraction. Commander Ali Fadavi, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps naval forces, said the monument would capture the moment the Americans surrendered to Iranian forces. “There are very many […]

Caitlyn unleashed: ‘Country is over’ if Hillary is elected president

Caitlyn unleashed: ‘Country is over’ if Hillary is elected president

Special to Caitlyn Jenner ruffled liberal feathers recently when she bashed Hillary Clinton as a “f—ing liar” who the former Olympic decathlon champion would never vote for. In an episode from Season 2 of her reality show “I Am Cait,” Jenner embarks on a bus tour with a group of transgender friends, who are […]

Trump? No: Being leader of the Free World is not a reality show

Trump? No: Being leader of the Free World is not a reality show

Special to By Matthew R. Drayton Like many Americans, I thought the Donald Trump phenomenon would have faded by now. Now that it is very likely that he could be the Republican nominee in November, I feel obligated to share my concerns about Donald Trump’s ability to be Commander in Chief. Donald Trump, if […]

Illegals swarm southern border before Trump’s wall

Illegals swarm southern border before Trump’s wall

Special to Illegal aliens have been swarming the southern U.S. border in larger numbers in recent months as they attempt to get into the U.S. before Donald Trump gets a chance to make good on his vow to build a wall. Between October and February, Customs and Border Patrol apprehended 150,304 people attempting to […]