Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, October 30, 2020
Joe Biden has vowed to impose more lockdowns on Americans.
“If you vote for Biden, it means no kids in school, no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas and no Fourth of July together,” President Donald Trump said at a rally in Goodyear, Arizona.

The Wall Street Journal noted earlier this month that “the Democratic Party’s bias for economic and social shutdowns has not changed since March.” The Journal’s article was titled “Joe Biden Is the Shutdown Candidate”.
In a Biden administration, whatever police are left after the defunding process begins will be deployed to enforce mask mandates and to count the number of cars in your driveway. If you have more than the allotted number of people in your house, Biden’s coronavirus army may just take you to jail.
Don’t think anything like that can happen? Take a look at California.
Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom issued guidelines for the Thanksgiving holiday which requires the host of any private gathering to limit attendance to no more than three households and the duration to no more than two hours. Hosts should ensure guests gather only outdoors and promote physical distancing, frequent hand-washing or sanitizing and the use of masks or face coverings. In addition, singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged and should be avoided.
John Stossel noted that, in Encinitas, California, “police fined people $1,000 just for sitting in cars to watch the sunset at the beach. Yes, inside their cars.”
In Michigan, Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer banned people from seeing relatives and banned anyone with more than one home to travel between them. Big-box stores were prohibited from selling things like carpet, flooring, furniture, garden supplies, and paint.
In New York, Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered anyone coming to New York from a state with a spiking coronavirus infection rate to self-quarantine.
“You fly into New York, we’ll have your name, we’ll know where you’re supposed to be staying,” Cuomo told CNN. “There’ll be random checks,” and “we’ll have inspectors who are randomly looking at names on the [flight lists] and following up to make sure you’re quarantining. And if you’re not, then you’re in violation of the law, and you will have a mandatory quarantine, and you’ll be fined” — $10,000.
In New York and New Jersey, tennis was allowed, but doubles tennis was banned.
Over Memorial Day weekend, New York Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio said beaches would be open but that police would pull anyone out of the water if they tried to swim.
De Blasio also encourages New Yorkers to rat out their fellow citizens who violate his strict covid orders.
Biden has said he will listen to the “scientists” and order lockdowns accordingly. There is no doubt that Biden will find some “scientists” somewhere who are all too eager to go along with his desire to lock down the nation.
If he becomes president, the “Dark Winter” Biden has forecast will extend for much, much longer.
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