UN panel spotlights Beijing’s rights abuses against Muslim communities in Xinjiang

UN panel spotlights Beijing’s rights abuses against Muslim communities in Xinjiang

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler A high-level UN panel has slammed Beijing’s ongoing and egregious human rights abuses in the western Xinjiang regions of the People’s Republic.  China’s human rights violations have been committed through the use of “severe and undue restrictions” that are “characterized by a discriminatory component, as the underlying acts […]

World’s ‘largest and most lethal dictatorship’ crowns Emperor Xi

World’s ‘largest and most lethal dictatorship’ crowns Emperor Xi

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler In the grand political choreography that defines China, the recently concluded 20th Chinese Communist Party Congress in Beijing presented a spectacular show but with a very predictable conclusion. Set in Beijing’s huge Great Hall of the People, the trappings, the ritual and the rites of the People’s Republic […]

UN Assembly elects new human rights guardians

UN Assembly elects new human rights guardians

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler The UN General Assembly just concluded its election for fourteen new members in the Human Rights Council.  Delegates have chosen a conclave of candidates who sit in somber judgement of global freedoms and virtues, though ironically, many of these new members selected are actually among the very abusers […]

After 3 years of Trump-era calm, North Korea’s ‘don’t-forget-me’ missile diplomacy returns

After 3 years of Trump-era calm, North Korea’s ‘don’t-forget-me’ missile diplomacy returns

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler In a strange but not unexpected twist to a world in turmoil, North Korea’s bellicose leadership has carried out a series of missile tests, not seen since 2017.  One particularly provocative firing of an intermediate range rocket flew right over Japan.  Two short range missiles were shot into […]

World watches politely as nationwide protests shake Iran; U.S. envoys did not walk out at UN

World watches politely as nationwide protests shake Iran; U.S. envoys did not walk out at UN

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler Massive and spreading protests have rocked Iran in the wake of widening social discontent following the death of a woman Mahsa Amini, who died in police custody. Her crime? Not wearing the obligatory headscarf properly. Demonstrations across the country have jolted the Islamic Republic to its core as […]

‘No one is listening to anyone here’: Ukraine war dominates UN debate session

‘No one is listening to anyone here’: Ukraine war dominates UN debate session

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler, October 3, 2022 Amid a swirl of ongoing and upcoming international crises, the Ukraine war overwhelmingly dominated debate at the United Nations General Assembly.  Most speakers decried Vladimir Putin’s widening war against Ukraine and equally viewed the dangerous regional and global ramifications from this European conflict which could […]

Queen Elizabeth II: An era ends as ‘Cool Britannia’ enters uncertain times

Queen Elizabeth II: An era ends as ‘Cool Britannia’ enters uncertain times

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler The Queen has died; the page of history has turned. The passing of Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest serving monarch, has shocked and saddened much of the world despite the sovereign’s declining health and her 96 years of age. Just months after having joyfully celebrated her platinum Jubilee […]

UN Assembly opens amid widening global turbulence

UN Assembly opens amid widening global turbulence

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler Presidents, Prime Ministers, Potentates and Kings have assembled in New York for the opening sessions of the 77th UN General Assembly.  The annual event, which was sidelined and subdued by the COVID pandemic, seems to be back in stride but lacking a bit of the buzz and expectations […]

‘Darkness has fallen’: One year after Taliban takeover, humanitarian crisis widens

‘Darkness has fallen’: One year after Taliban takeover, humanitarian crisis widens

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler One year after the appalling collapse of Afghanistan into the hands of the Taliban insurgents, the humanitarian crisis in that beleaguered South Asian country has gone from bad to worse.  The Biden Administration’s shameful and botched pullout of American military forces signaled the last tawdry act of the […]

Ukraine: Tiptoeing around a wider tragedy

Ukraine: Tiptoeing around a wider tragedy

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler As Vladimir Putin’s war continues against Ukraine, there’s now a grim acceptance of tragedy; targeted civilians, wrecked cities and the threat from Russia’s nuclear weapons. But as the conflict churns on, few people have noticed the mixed signals that formerly blockaded port cities have cautiously reopened averting a famine […]

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