by WorldTribune Staff, June 10, 2021
North Carolina’s voting machines “need to be cracked open and Orange and Durham Counties need an Arizona-style audit,” an observer said about 2020 election results that he said defy explanation.
The observer told Gateway Pundit that he found it implausible that Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper could win in the Tar Heel state while President Donald Trump, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, and Sen. Thom Tillis, all Republicans, were victorious.

“I guarantee there was massive fraud here in North Carolina,” the observer said. “I have lived in Orange County (heavily Democrat, especially with the University of North Carolina and Duke University in the south part of the county) for a decade. There is no way that North Carolina went for President Trump and at the same time Democrat Roy Cooper got re-elected as well.”
The observer specifically pointed to results in Orange and Durham Counties.
Orange County was 75 percent for Biden and 77 percent for Cooper.
Durham County was 80 percent for Biden and 82 percent for Cooper.
“These two were higher than Charlotte or Wake County? Even the Tillis/Cunningham race is suspicious. The house races for Districts 6, 4 & 2 are questionable. The percentages are way off,” the observer said, pointing to county-by-county results (which can be viewed here).
“Look at the rest of the state. No other county got above 67 percent,” for any Democrat, “not even huge Charlotte or Wake County,” the observer said.
“How in the immortal hell does a state go for Trump (Republican), elect Mark Robinson (black Republican) but re-elects a piece of trash Democrat like Cooper? That doesn’t happen without fraud,” the observer said, adding, “you should notice that, the counties with the most whacked percentages are all university counties.”
Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft noted: “This reader has a point. The numbers don’t make sense. In addition, the fact that both Duke and UNC were holding remote classes for their students makes it questionable why these two counties would be so far left in their final results.”
Recently North Carolina state representatives demanded an audit of the voting machines in the state.
“This is a good first step but will likely never uncover fraud,” Hoft noted. “The machines probably already have been wiped clean of the 2020 election results or the local election boards will prevent providing the machines. People in North Carolina should demand a forensic audit based on the audit in Maricopa County performed for the Arizona Senate right now. There is enough evidence to demand this.”
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