by WorldTribune Staff, September 25, 2017
When the FBI stormed into the Virginia home of Paul Manafort in a pre-dawn raid, The New York times reacted by applauding it, Rush Limbaugh said.
“The New York Times is cheering this,” Limbaugh noted in his Sept. 19 radio broadcast.

“Listen to the headline: ‘With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone – Paul J. Manafort was in bed early one morning in July when federal agents bearing a search warrant picked the lock on his front door and raided his Virginia home,’ as though this happens routinely.”
The New York Times “is not outraged, they’re not shocked, they’re not appalled,” Limbaugh said. “They would be if it had been David Axelrod running the Obama campaign or whoever it was running Hillary’s campaign.”
The Times article notes: “Federal agents took binders stuffed with documents and copied his computer files, looking for evidence that Mr. Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, set up secret offshore bank accounts. They even photographed the expensive suits in his closet.”
Limbaugh said: “If only Hillary had gotten this kind of investigation from the FBI.”
The Times went on to report: “The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, then followed the house search with a warning: His prosecutors told Mr. Manafort they planned to indict him, said two people close to the investigation. The moves against Mr. Manafort are just a glimpse of the aggressive tactics used by Mr. Mueller and his team of prosecutors in the four months since taking over the Justice Department’s investigation into Russia.”
Limbaugh said that “The Obama administration surveilled more Americans than any previous administration in this country. All under the guise of surveilling foreign combatants and potential terrorists.
“That’s how they got Mike Flynn. With Manafort, ladies and gentlemen, what actually happened was that the FBI showed up before dawn at his home in Virginia and picked the lock and walked in, woke the family up, and began taking computers, making copies of files, lifting entire pieces of equipment, taking it outside the house. All in an attempt to intimidate Manafort, to get him to flip, maybe, on Trump and Russian collusion.”
Limbaugh continued: “This is much worse than Watergate, folks. That was a third-rate burglary that went awry. Trump was called a liar. He was mocked for tweeting about Trump Tower being wiretapped.
“Richard Nixon was accused of spying on the DNC, but Nixon never ordered any such spying. In fact, he didn’t know anything about it. He was accused of using the IRS against his political opponents, but he never did. We know for a fact that Obama did both of these things, used the IRS against political opponents and probably more.”
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