by WorldTribune Staff, March 31, 2020
An American business owner who had just announced his company would make 50,000 masks per day for the fight against the coronavirus was mocked by leftists for sharing his faith and encouraging Americans to turn to God amid the ongoing crisis.
Mike Lindell, the inventor and CEO of MyPillow, was invited by President Donald Trump to speak at a press briefing in the White House Rose Garden on Monday afternoon. Lindell said he had converted his factory into a facility that will produce millions of masks.
Then, Lindell said: “God gave us grace on November 8, 2016 [the day Trump was elected] to change the course we were on. God had been taken out of our schools and lives, a nation had turned its back on God. I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the Word. Read our Bibles and spend time with our families.”
The Left was collectively furious.
“Verified blue checkmarks and members of the media did not take kindly to Lindell’s remarks to Americans,” Madeline Osburn noted in a March 31 op-ed for The Federalist.
An executive editor at CNN retweeted a video of Lindell’s appearance, adding the sarcastic caption, “In case you were wondering what My Pillow is doing in a time of coronavirus.”
Osburn wrote: “That’s odd, because Lindell just said he spent three days converting a 200,000-square-foot factory into a facility to produce millions of masks for American health-care workers, so we know exactly what he’s been doing during the public health crisis.”
MSNBC’s Ali Velshi also weighed in, tweeting: “Trump just called the “My Pillow” guy up to the podium in the Rose Garden. You cannot make this stuff up.”
MSNBC’s Joy Reid tweeted: “So my Tiger King binge was interrupted by a text saying the CEO of MyPillow is now part of the presidential briefings on COVID19 … please tell me this is a prank.”
Leftist YouTuber Kyle Kulinski tweeted: “We have dead bodies piling up in refrigerated trucks in Queens because the morgues are overflowing and the ‘my pillow’ guy is saying god gave us Trump at the covid press conference.”
Norm Ornstein, a contributing editor at The Atlantic, tweeted: “Fact: Mike Lindell is an awful human being. An utter embarrassment to my home state of Minnesota.”
The Washington Examiner’s Kaylee McGhee noted that “much of the anger directed toward” Lindell “has nothing to do with the manner in which he addressed the country and everything to do with his religious message. One media outlet amusingly claimed it was a ‘clear violation of the separation of church and state’ — a hard sell for an event where presidents end speeches with ‘God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.’ ”
McGhee added: “The truth is that, right now, our nation needs faith. The long-term consequences of this pandemic will be severe — depression, suicide, and drug abuse will all stem from unemployment, isolation, and hopelessness. There are steps our governments must take right now to mitigate the economic effects, but no policy will heal all the wounds that can be ripped open. Religion might not either, but study after study proves that it does at least help.”
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