by WorldTribune Staff, May 22, 2018
Former House IT aide Imran Awan remains in a “High Intensity Supervision Program” as he awaits trial on charges of bank fraud. Official Washington, with the exception of President Donald Trump, seems oblivious to the man’s existence despite the fact that he was hired by former DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and enjoyed access to the digital records and emails of an alarming and still unspecified number of Democratic members of Congress
No major media organizations are asking obvious questions about his role in the Trump investigation and his possible ties to the alleged hacking of Democratic National Committee data.

Meanwhile, the DNC continues to refuse the FBI access to servers related to Awan and the House IT scandal. Thus far, the DNC has only provided a report by private firm CrowdStrike to investigators.
Congressional data obtained by Awan and his associates could also become part of a court case filed by the DNC against the Trump campaign.
President Donald Trump said that, in response to the DNC’s lawsuit, his campaign would request the data.
“Just heard the Campaign was sued by the Obstructionist Democrats. This can be good news in that we will now counter for the DNC Server that they refused to give to the FBI, the Debbie Wasserman Schultz Servers and Documents held by the Pakistani mystery man and Clinton Emails,” Trump tweeted.
The Daily Caller’s Luke Rosiak, who has reported extensively on Awan and the IT scandal, even traveling to Pakistan for his reporting, said he sees the case as “everything the Russia collusion story was supposed to be.”
Rosiak, says that Awan took a laptop in 2017 after being banned from the House computer network for “unauthorized access to data.”
Rosiak wrote that Awan left the laptop, which had the username “RepDWS,” “in a phone booth with a letter to prosecutors” in April 2017.
“This is like straight out of James Bond,” Rosiak said on “Fox & Friends First”.
Related: Imran Awan report points to ties with Pakistani intelligence, April 19, 2018
During a March 20 House Intelligence Committee hearing, then-FBI Director James Comey said the agency “never got direct access” to the DNC servers.
Two months earlier, Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee that the FBI had made “multiple requests at different levels” to gain access to the devices for their investigations, but they ultimately needed to rely on a private company hired by the DNC to “share with us what they saw.”
He confirmed the FBI had requested and was denied access to both the DNC servers and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s personal devices.
A July 24, 2017, open memo from a group of former intelligence officers called Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) used forensic evidence to show the DNC emails were not hacked.
According to VIPS, the DNC files were downloaded from the DNC directly by someone using an external storage device, meaning the files were downloaded locally, by someone who was physically present at the DNC location.
The downloading took place in the early evening, from a location in the Eastern Daylight time zone, according to the researchers. It was carried out from a computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network. The unknown individual “copied 1,976 megabytes of data in 87 seconds onto an external storage device,” according to VIPS.
Rosiak reported on May 21 that Awan allegedly threatened his stepmother not to talk to police, her email account was accessed in suspicious ways and a lawyer for one of Awan’s brothers found out she emailed the FBI on specific dates and charaged: “You’re a liar, aren’t you?”
“Days after that, a bank account the stepmother controlled was almost completely drained through a payment to Imran’s brother, Abid Awan, bank records show – but she said she is too afraid to press criminal charges because she claims he has threatened her,” Rosiak wrote.
The stepmother, Samina Gilani, also previously said Imran stole two laptops from her.
Meanwhile, House IT aides have told The Daily Caller they have knowledge of misconduct but fear retaliation from Democrats if they come forward to law enforcement.
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