In the Trump era, U.S. must support Iran’s people, not their rulers

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By Mansour Kashfi

More than nine million Iranians have fled their homeland since the rule of chaos and execution was forced upon their country on Feb. 11, 1979 under the name of the Islamic revolution.

It is without question a black mark in the record of any regime when more than 12 percent of its subjects abandon their homes, families and belongings, and choose to accept a nomadic life in order to maintain their dignity and freedom.

The Obama administration failed to support the Iranian people when they took to the streets in 2009.

Iranians fled their country to protect their identities, maintain their self-respect and with the hope of saving their children from becoming religious fanatics, devoid of any human principles. Such would be used as political toys in the hands of the religious oligarchy and their revolutionary fundamentalists.

In the U.S. alone, it is estimated that as many as four million Iranians have taken refuge since 1979. However, these Iranian political refugees have received very little attention.

International and specifically European trade agreements and relations with Iran, particularly in the past eight years of Obama’s presidency, were considered to be their worst nightmare.

The tyrannical Islamic regime and its few bribed sympathizers around the world are still attempting to deceive the international community by claiming that support for the so-called “reformist” and “pragmatic” President Hassan Rouhani will ultimately, among other issues, bring freedom and democracy to Iran.

They try to convince the free world and democratic countries that by appeasing the regime and rewarding it with normalized relations, they will somehow be able to change its attitude and behavior. However, the distinction between a “moderate” president and “fundamentalist” Supreme Leader in Iran is a political subterfuge used to mislead the population and perpetuate the inherent corruption of the Islamic regime governing system.

This corruption will not only continue to oppress the Iranian people but also undermine the transparency in business dealings with foreign investors.

‘Dear Ayatollah’ letters from the former U.S. president

Over eight years of international effort in preventing the Islamic Republic of Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and two years of negotiations an agreement was reached to lift the sanctions while Obama was the U.S. president.

This provided him with a good opportunity to establish a dubious legacy and be proud of it.

During the ugly political chaos in Iran and engagement of Obama with the Republican Congress, he decided to make a connection with Ayatollah Khameini, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic regime by sending him several friendly letters. However, it was an outrageous course of action considering that the Iranian people were crying for democracy and American help to support a secular government in Iran.

Obama in November 2014 wrote to a Shiite dictator in Teheran and asked his assistance for military coordination in confronting the Sunni Islamic State, and connecting that cooperation to a deal over nuclear activities of Iran.

Obama did not mention the disastrous human rights issue in Iran, continued terrorist acts in the region, and ongoing testing of intercontinental missiles.

Obama, the leader of the free world and core of democracy, for eight years ignored the fact that Iran’s Supreme Leader is the man who is the Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin of the present day.

Obama should have established a relationship with the Iranian people, not with today’s Hitler or Stalin.

Clergies in Iran are as murderous as any religious group in history. From the very first day of the Islamic regime’s establishment, they executed many innocent Iranian officials and military officers, and provoked war with Iraq just to consolidate their dictatorial regime.

During eight years of bitter war with Iraq and over one million casualties, clergies dragged school children to the front lines, where their little bodies were used as sandbags to clear mine fields.

War was an excuse to execute dissidents and anyone who displeased the bloodthirsty clergies.

Minorities including non-Shiite believers such as Sunnis, Jews, Christians, and Bahais were executed on political charges. All these killings and unjust acts in Iran were carried out on command of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khameini.

The behavior of the present Islamic regime in Iran is exactly parallel to the Fuhrer’s regime in Germany in political psychology and structure.

The Nazi regime in the last century was, and the Islamic regime today, is based on supremacy of one people, “Aryan” and “Shiite”, respectively, over all other people in the world.

On the one hand, the Nazis believed in a Third Reich ideology and the destruction of “inferior races.” Similarly, the Shia clergies in Iran have adopted a renascent ancient culture and believe in the destruction of infidels (non-believers).

For Hitler, the undesirables included Jews, Poles, political dissidents, gypsies, homosexuals and sometimes Christians.

For Ayatollah Khameini, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, the undesirables include Sunnis, Bahais, Jews, Christians, political dissidents, homosexuals and any non-Shiites.

The medieval horrors in modern Iran and the Islamic regime’s execution of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iranians in the past 38 years could therefore clearly be compared to the Nazis’ Holocaust of Jews in Europe.

While the Holocaust occurred on a much grander scale, in both cases, innocent people before execution had been and are subjected to the most gruesome tortures imaginable, physically and mentally. The comparisons are horribly obvious, endless, and unbelievable.

President Obama and his legacy

Now, the question is how the former president of the greatest democracy with the most advanced and distinguished people in the world became the major supporter of a Shiite dictator who is the modern day Fuhrer?

The U.S. Congress’s Human Rights Country Report year after year has maintained that there has been no change in the status of human rights in Iran and since 2013, the beginning of the Hassan Rouhani presidency, the status of human rights unbelievably worsened.

If there is one thing that truly distinguishes the Americans as a great nation, it is the profound respect it has for human rights and decency. How can America reject the behavior of Hitler’s Nazis burning humans in death camps, Stalin’s communist killing fields and ISIS’s Islamist barbarism, yet still believe it can establish a lasting line of communication with a terrorist regime in Iran that routinely persecutes religious and ethnic minorities, tortures and systematically executes political prisoners, and promotes international terrorism abroad?

Would America’s conscience accept a relationship with such a monstrous regime? In fact, as long as it behaves this way, the Islamic regime of Iran should not expect to find a respectable place in the contemporary world.

Eight years of Obama’s presidency made one thing clear: when America fails to lead, enemies of freedom like the Islamic regime of Iran and Russia fill the vacuum.

After Obama as commander-in-chief withdrew from Iraq, the Islamic regime did everything it could to establish oppression and spread terror in that country, and Russia began focusing on the southern Persian Gulf states.

For the past eight years while the U.S. showed weakness, the enemies of America showed strength and did as they pleased. The Islamic regime and Russia have executed their strategy, resulting in more aggression, more terrorist attacks, and more lives lost as has been occurring in Syria and Yemen.

When Obama took office as president, the Crimean Peninsula was part of Ukraine, a country friendly with the West, but now it belongs to Russia, the adversary of America.

Hizbullah had no missiles to shoot into Israel. Now they have about 120,000 of them to wipe out Israel.

The terrorist Islamic regime in Iran was about to fall during the “Green” uprising of 2009 when it was saved by Obama. He further saved the one-sided Iran nuclear deal which paved the way to releasing billions of dollars as ransom.

New president in U.S. and his new policy

The lesson to be learned, with no doubt, is if America the leader of the Free World is unwilling to sacrifice and stand up against dictators and terrorists, more people around the world, including Americans, will be victimized. Such dictators and terrorists no longer fear America, and similarly American allies have lost trust and respect for the United States of America.

With a new president in the White House, it is about time to establish a new policy.

Any further support for the un-elected regime in Teheran, be it commercial, economic, diplomatic should be tied to a commitment by the Islamic regime to stop supporting international terrorism and to respect women, minorities, and human rights.

It is time for the peace-loving nations to support the Iranian people inside the country and the exiled movement in their struggle against this evil Stone Age, blood-thirsty regime.

With the change of power in America, the people of Iran are now in the beginning phases of a full-fledged movement to regain their freedom and rights, and they have come to the conclusion that the only way they can achieve this is by ridding themselves of the Islamic regime, which has been imposing its will upon them for more than two generations.

The hope and expectation of the Iranian people are that Washington will support the Iranian people this time around and advocate the overthrow of the Islamic regime.

The Iranian people hope this administration will not demoralize the growing secular opposition by opening dialogue with the terrorist blackmail school of Shiite diplomacy.

The Iranian people hope the Free World can thus facilitate their struggle to free their country of this brutal regime and once again gaining a respectable position in the world community.

Mansour Kashfi, PhD, is president of Kashex International Petroleum Consulting and is a college professor in Dallas, Texas. He has over 50 years’ experience in petroleum exploration, primarily about Iran.  He is also author of more than 100 articles and books about the petroleum industry and its market behavior worldwide.