CELEBRATING 25 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE: Top stories of 2023, December 25, 2023
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Special to WorldTribune.com, October 15, 2023
Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @schaeff55
Who is Dina Powell McCormick?
The uber-connected wife of the Pennsylvania Republican Party’s consensus pick to be its U.S. Senate nominee in 2024 chairs a New York City-based foundation that works closely with nation-destroying globalist billionaire George Soros and aligned organizations to flood the Big Apple with illegal “migrants.” The same network stokes runaway crime by financially supporting and promoting leftist “criminal justice reform” efforts.
“The Pennsylvania Republican Party [has] unanimously endorsed David McCormick, a former hedge fund CEO, in his U.S. Senate campaign for the seat held by three-term Democratic incumbent Bob Casey,” The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported Sept. 30.
We wrote about McCormick on multiple occasions in 2022, when he narrowly lost the GOP Senate nomination to Oprah Winfrey’s television doctor Mehmet Oz. The former Bridgewater Associates CEO deceitfully attempted to run as an America First candidate despite overwhelming evidence of his devout globalist bona fides.

Now he’s back, and this time he has the full weight of the Republican establishment behind him.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who in December vowed that his Swamp political machine will “control the primary outcome” in GOP races during the next election cycle, personally “urged” McCormick to run in 2024, The Post-Gazette relates.
Here is what the Pennsylvania Republican Party has “unanimously” signed on to.
“Goldman Sachs executive Dina Powell McCormick [wife of Dave] has been named chair of the Robin Hood Foundation, a nonprofit backed by Wall Street executives and other business leaders that aims to combat poverty,” CNBC blandly reported in Oct. 2022.
Powell McCormick is listed as Board Chair on the foundation’s website at this very moment.
Though she left the firm at the end of May, Powell McCormick got the Robin Hood position via her years of service as a managing director at global investment behemoth Goldman Sachs. Goldman has extremely close ties to Robin Hood dating back to the foundation’s formation in 1988.
Despite CNBC’s benign description, Robin Hood does a lot more than work to “combat poverty.”
City & State NY reported in March:
The New York City Council and several private philanthropic foundations unveiled a $2.2 million dollar initiative called “Welcome NYC” [on March 1] to fund organizations currently providing migrants and other communities with legal services, workforce development training, literacy programming, youth services, food assistance and faith-based services….
Some of the participating philanthropic foundations include the Robin Hood Foundation, New York Community Trust, Bronx Community Foundation, New York Women’s Foundation and Brooklyn Community Foundation.
The article leaves no doubt that the intention of Welcome NYC is to roll out the red carpet to the illegal alien floodtide that has plunged the Big Apple into a social and financial crisis:
“Our immigrant communities are an essential part of the fabric of our city, and critical to who we are and our success,” said Speaker Adrienne Adams. “From the very beginning, our local non-profits and community-based organizations have stepped up to fill the gaps and shouldered the heroic work of supporting newly arriving people and families.
“Welcome NYC will help organizations on the ground providing support to asylum seekers, and our communities more broadly, with crucial services.”
Powell McCormick’s outfit certainly stepped up in a big way:
Several major philanthropic foundations are collectively contributing $1 million towards the “Welcome NYC” initiative, including the Robin Hood Foundation, New York Community Trust, Bronx Community Foundation, New York Women’s Foundation, and Brooklyn Community Foundation.
McCormick’s foundation is even quoted in the official city government release announcing the creation of Welcome NYC:
“Ensuring that asylum seekers have every resource necessary available to them to as they settle into their new lives in New York City is essential to making our city an inclusive place of opportunity for all New Yorkers,” said Chymeka Olfonse, the managing director of Robin Hood’s Adults and House Supports grantmaking portfolio. “We are proud to partner with the New York Community Trust. and the nonprofit community to expand and strengthen legal services for asylum seekers in New York City. We commend the New York City Council for its commitment to funding workforce development programs, literacy services, mentoring programs, college awareness, youth leadership, social and educational programs, food services, and other programs that will empower migrant families to thrive in their new home city.”
Make no mistake, this initiative takes funds meant to aid American citizens and diverts them to the illegal alien arrivals. The New York Daily News reported:
City Council leaders announced Wednesday they will use $1.2 million in leftover youth development funding to launch a migrant aid initiative – without involvement from Mayor Adams’ team….
The Council will divert the dough to launch “Welcome NYC,” a program designed to funnel money into nonprofits providing a range of services for recently arrived asylum seekers, she said….
The Council’s contribution will be paired with a $1 million investment from philanthropic organizations, including the Robin Hood Foundation and the New York Community Trust, for a total price tag of $2.2 million, according to the speaker’s office.
The more one looks into Robin Hood, the uglier things get.
George Soros’s Open Society Foundations gave the foundation a whopping $50 million in 2009.
Robin Hood works directly with OSF to fund pro-illegal immigration efforts such as this January campaign by the Urban Institute to provide illegal aliens with unemployment insurance cash:
This case study was funded by the Robin Hood Foundation and Open Society Foundations, and is part of a larger joint evaluation project of the Urban Institute and Immigration Research Initiative. We are grateful to them and to all our funders, who make it possible for Urban and the Immigration Research Initiative to advance their missions.
Robin Hood also financially supports leftist “criminal justice reform” campaigns that have turned America’s cities into war zones.
From a 2022 report by the Center for Court Innovation titled “Felony Sentencing in New York City: Mandatory minimums, mass incarceration and race”:
This research was funded by a grant from the Robin Hood Foundation.
The Center is now known as the Center for Justice Innovation. Its website states that a key area of the organization’s work is focused on “rethinking incarceration,” even for those “facing felony charges.”
Robin Hood is a listed “partner” of the Center.
Wait, we’re not done yet.
From the watchdog website Influence Watch’s dossier on the foundation:
Robin Hood is a left-leaning nonprofit associated with the financial industry that has been criticized for ineffectiveness at its stated mission of alleviating poverty in New York City despite massive fundraising successes….
In 2018, Robin Hood released a report co-authored by academics at Columbia University and Robin Hood staff that opposed changes the Trump administration had proposed to immigration regulations. These “Public Charge” reforms would deny entry to immigrants who might potentially require government-funded services such as food stamps or Medicaid.
And look who was a founder:
Founding board member Harvey Weinstein resigned as a board member in October 2017 after several allegations of rape and sexual assault.
Oh, and Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson sits on Robin Hood’s Leadership Council.
The Robin Hood Foundation also financially supports the radical Urban Justice Center, which is pushing hard for the legalization of prostitution, including the right to be a pimp. This issue has been of special concern to Soros for years.
Robin Hood is listed in the top donor category ($200,000+) in UJC’s 2022 annual report.
And then there are the inevitable Bill Gates connections. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave Robin Hood a cool $5 million in 2018. Three more grants total another $310,000. A $250,000 grant was issued in Sept. 2022, one month before Mrs. McCormick became Chair of the Board there.
Meanwhile, Dave McCormick is posing as a staunch foe of illegal immigration.
He also likes to talk tough on crime.
All as his Goldman Sachs-soaked elitist wife is working hand in glove with George Soros to greatly exacerbate both problems in the United States today.