by WorldTribune Staff, February 23, 2021
Coronavirus rules imposed by tyrannical officials are advancing totalitarianism in the United States, said a prominent feminist author and former adviser to Bill Clinton.
“We’re really moving into a coup situation. That transcends everything you and I might agree or disagree on,” Naomi Wolf told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Monday.
Government officials are saying, “We’re not going to follow the Constitution because there’s a pandemic,” Wolf noted.
“Nowhere in the Constitution does it say all this can be suspended if there’s a bad disease,” she said.
Wolf, who has studied the step-by-step demise of democracies historically, said America now is in “Step 10,” the suspension of the rule of law.
That’s when nations “start to be a police state,” she said. “We’re here. There’s no way around it.”
Wolf continued: “The state has now crushed businesses, kept us from gathering in free assembly to worship as the First Amendment provides, is invading our bodies … which is a violation of the Fourth Amendment, restricting movement, fining us in New York state … the violations go on and on.”
In a tweet, Wolf slammed Joe Biden’s leadership and said his covid policies are making her regret her vote for him:
“I really hope we wake up quickly because history also shows that it’s a small window in which people can fight back before it is too dangerous to fight back.”
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