by WorldTribune Staff, July 14, 2016
Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) is exploiting the weakness in President Barack Obama’s counter-terror strategy, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said.
“The strategy they (ISIL) have assumed is a global strategy,” Flynn said at The Heritage Foundation on July 13. “And the strategy that we have taken on is a very narrow tactical strategy. They understand that weakness in our system and they fully, fully exploit it.”

The former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), who said Obama fired him for pushing the war against “radical Islamism,” said ISIL has established a “global footprint” that will not be wiped out by liberating Iraq.
“I don’t care if they lose Fallujah. I don’t care if they lose Raqqa. Look at what they have been able to do globally.”
Flynn, a supporter of Donald Trump, warned that unless Washington begins fighting to win now, the United States’ existence will be endangered later this century.
“I was asked this the other day, ‘The American public is tired,’ ” he said. “The American public will be tired if we lose because they will be slaves.”
“We should not fear what our country was built on: a set of Judeo-Christian principles,” he said. “There’s like this sense of fear in our country. There are cultures around the world — this is not a racist issue. I could care less if someone is purple polka-dotted. This is about internationally acceptable standards of behavior, and what I want is a standard of behavior that is internationally accepted. And not treat women the way we see some women treated; to treat children, boys and girls the way that they are treated. So, yeah, are there societies, are there cultures that have a higher acceptance of behaviors and actions and attitudes? Absolutely. I believe ours does — absolutely believe ours does.”
Flynn is promoting his new book, “The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies.” It was co-written with Michael Ledeen, a longtime Washington scholar.