Palestinian Authority threatens UN action if Trump moves embassy to Jerusalem

Palestinian Authority threatens UN action if Trump moves embassy to Jerusalem

by WorldTribune Staff, November 13, 2016 Palestinians will “make life miserable” for U.S. President-elect Donald Trump if he moves the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the Palestinian Authority’s ambassador to the UN warned. “If people attack us by moving the embassy to Jerusalem, which is a violation of Security Council resolutions, […]

Trump aftershocks: He tapped the ‘democratic power of discontented voters’

Trump aftershocks: He tapped the ‘democratic power of discontented voters’

Special to By John J. Metzler New York — A jarring electoral earthquake has rocked America with a stunning upset win by Donald J. Trump, the Republican insurgent candidate. The epicenter of the quake was centered in the South as expected, but reverberations and shockwaves went deep into the once industrial heartland of the […]

Will Obama do for Hillary Clinton what Gerald Ford did for Richard Nixon?

Will Obama do for Hillary Clinton what Gerald Ford did for Richard Nixon?

by WorldTribune Staff, November 10, 2016 Would President Barack Obama grant an unconditional pardon for Hillary Clinton, as President Gerald Ford did for Richard Nixon, before he leaves office on Jan. 20? Clinton has yet to be charged with a crime, but when President Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon in 1974 one month after Nixon […]

Make believe war games south of the DMZ, but what if the North is for real?

Make believe war games south of the DMZ, but what if the North is for real?

Special to By Donald Kirk An air of unreality pervaded the atmosphere if not the skies over Osan Air Base this week as three of the niftiest warplanes on the planet zoomed off the runway for war games intended to strengthen their ability to work together to defeat a common foe. Circumspectly, officers of […]

Jubilation, concern for Trump’s safety as Russia reacts to ‘great American revolution’

Jubilation, concern for Trump’s safety as Russia reacts to ‘great American revolution’

Special to By Tom Balmforth, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty MOSCOW — As the news of Donald Trump’s upset victory in the U.S. presidential election rolled into Russia, there was jubilation among many allies of President Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin — which has demonized Hillary Clinton and seemed to root for the Republican candidate […]

Iran’s Nov. 9 plea: Trump should ‘stick’ to nuclear deal (Khamenei said fine, ‘burn’ it)

Iran’s Nov. 9 plea: Trump should ‘stick’ to nuclear deal (Khamenei said fine, ‘burn’ it)

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says U.S. President-elect Donald Trump should remain committed to the nuclear deal signed between world powers and Tehran. During his campaign, Trump had pledged to “tear up” the nuclear agreement, which he called “one of the worst deals I’ve ever […]

President Donald Trump: And now the 2nd American Revolution begins

President Donald Trump: And now the 2nd American Revolution begins

by WorldTribune Staff, November 8, 2016 Get used to it. President Donald Trump. It is a phrase that polite society in Washington, D.C. and in the most sophisticated world capitals could not conceive of, much less utter as even a hypothetical. Which is why he won his party’s nomination and the general election decisively against […]

National security impact of last Clinton White House raises concerns about couple’s return

National security impact of last Clinton White House raises concerns about couple’s return

by WorldTribune Staff, November 7, 2016 Can U.S. national security survive another dose of Clinton governance? Bill Clinton said of his wife during the 1992 campaign for the White House that he was offering “two for the price of one.” The same likely applies to Hillary Clinton who would return a former president to the […]

Who will investigate the DOJ? WikiLeaks exposes multiple and major conflicts of interest

Who will investigate the DOJ? WikiLeaks exposes multiple and major conflicts of interest

by WorldTribune Staff, November 7, 2016 WikiLeaks’ exposure of Justice Department conflicts of interest relating to the Hillary Clinton email investigation could emerge as a more important issue than the FBI investigation itself. Those conflicts have led to a “lack of confidence in the Justice Department’s ability to handle investigations”, the chairman of the Senate […]

Clinton aide Band: Chelsea used foundation to finance lavish wedding, lifestyle

Clinton aide Band: Chelsea used foundation to finance lavish wedding, lifestyle

by WorldTribune Staff, November 6, 2016 Doug Band, the former top aide to Bill Clinton who helped found the Clinton Global Initiative, accused Chelsea Clinton of using foundation money to pay for her wedding and getting paid to campaign, all while avoiding paying taxes. After Chelsea had launched an investigation into the foundation’s finances under […]