Free transfer of technology could snuff out a relatively new concept: freedom

Free transfer of technology could snuff out a relatively new concept: freedom

Lev Navrozov I call countries that are not free “slave countries,” though Soviet propaganda proclaimed that “Soviet Russia” was the only first “free” country in the world even after it conquered some countries to the west of it, after which those countries became “free” countries in the Soviet propaganda, in contrast to “the rest of […]

TOP 2011 STORIES: Obama’s birth certificate blunder: Nothing silly about the questions still to be answered

TOP 2011 STORIES: Obama’s birth certificate blunder: Nothing silly about the questions still to be answered

Special to Monday, May 2, 2011 By Grace Vuoto Related: Lt. Col. Terry Lakin’s letter to President Obama — April 8, 2010 On April 27 President Barack Obama issued a copy of his long-form birth certificate and declared: “We do not have time for this kind of silliness.” He said “We’ve got better stuff […]

Who are these people? Ron Paul, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, Russia Today and the John Birch Society

Who are these people? Ron Paul, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, Russia Today and the John Birch Society

Special to Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media How principled a conservative is Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul? Directly referring to WikiLeaks and Army soldier Bradley Manning being held in detention, Paul said, “Should he be locked up in prison or should we see him as a political hero? […]

Potentially explosive movements on a volatile Asian chessboard

Potentially explosive movements on a volatile Asian chessboard

Sol W. Sanders A new era of increasing instability is opening in East Asia. The death of North Korean leader Kim Il-Jong is only adding another, if explosive, element to an already volatile equation: China enters a period of substantially slower economic growth, if not a crash, on the eve next autumn of a takeover […]

Proud, for once, to be a German

Proud, for once, to be a German

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto, It’s been more than two years since my last visit to Germany, my native land. This time I traveled home at the height of the Eurozone crisis. I returned to California just before Christmas filled with pride in my compatriots. Don’t get me wrong. I am not particularly […]

Mikhail Prokhorov, man of mystery

Mikhail Prokhorov, man of mystery

Lev Navrozov Who is Mikhail Prokhorov? His is not an unfamiliar name to American sports fans. A Russian billionaire entrepreneur, he became the owner of the American basketball team the New Jersey Nets in 2010: “A Russian tycoon with a longstanding passion for basketball agreed to a $200 million deal … that will make him […]

Ron Paul calls accused traitor Bradley Manning a ‘hero’

Ron Paul calls accused traitor Bradley Manning a ‘hero’

Special to Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media As homosexual Army soldier Bradley Manning’s treason trial continues at Fort Meade, Maryland, the support he has received from Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has been curiously ignored by the major media, now touting Paul as someone who could win the […]

The Kim is dead, long live the Kim!

The Kim is dead, long live the Kim!

Special to By Donald Kirk, SEOUL — The death of bouffant-coiffed, platform-heel wearing North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il on Saturday ushers in a new era of rampant speculation, pontification and no doubt obfuscation about what’s really going on inside the Hermit Kingdom. The fact is that Kim Jong-Il late last week appeared just […]