Media ‘cartel’ controls most formerly independent American news outlets

Media ‘cartel’ controls most formerly independent American news outlets

by WorldTribune Staff, February 26, 2017 A major media “cartel” has taken control of what had been privately-owned U.S. news companies, Pulitzer Prize winning media specialist Ben Bagdikian said. The trend leaves small community newspapers and broadcast companies as outposts for independent American  journalism. Six corporations now own 90 percent of U.S. news media outlets. […]

White House moves rattle Washington press corps

White House moves rattle Washington press corps

by WorldTribune Staff, February 26, 2017 The major media’s outrage meter went off the charts after White House spokesman Sean Spicer excluded some elite organizations from a recent press briefing. Those left behind: Politico, The Washington Post, The New York Times, BuzzFeed, CNN, BBC and the Los Angeles Times. AP and Time boycotted the Feb. […]

Report: Japan to offer Russia economic plan for disputed island chain

Report: Japan to offer Russia economic plan for disputed island chain

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Japan is ready to propose a specific plan to Russia for the joint economic development of an island chain that both countries claim, The Nikkei Asia Review reports. According to the report published February 25, the Japanese government will propose that it promote the small, windswept […]

Report: School continues to receive Pentagon subsidies despite probe for China ties

Report: School continues to receive Pentagon subsidies despite probe for China ties

by WorldTribune Staff, February 26, 2017 A U.S. taxpayer-funded school in northern Virginia received more than $6 million from the Defense Department despite being investigated for alleged ties to China’s military, Fox News reported. The University of Management and Technology (UMT) in Rosslyn, Virginia – which also has a campus in Beijing – boasts of […]

Trump: ‘If countries are going to have nukes, we’re going to be at the top of the pack’

Trump: ‘If countries are going to have nukes, we’re going to be at the top of the pack’

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty U.S. President Donald Trump has suggested he wants to strengthen the U.S. nuclear arsenal, saying the country must ensure it is “at the top of the pack” of nuclear-armed nations. Trump, in a wide-ranging interview with Reuters on February 23, argued that the United States has […]

Comment: How the ‘deep state’ emerged as a threat to American liberties and a sitting president

Comment: How the ‘deep state’ emerged as a threat to American liberties and a sitting president

by WorldTribune Staff, February 24, 2017 The unseen government or “deep state” has become so powerful that it threatens Americans’ freedom and the new president, an analyst said. “Last week, The Wall Street Journal revealed that members of the intelligence community — part of the deep state — now have acquired so much data on everyone in America […]

Report: Major media published 33 fake Trump stories in president’s first 33 days

Report: Major media published 33 fake Trump stories in president’s first 33 days

by WorldTribune Staff, February 24, 2017 In the first 33 days of his presidency, Donald Trump was hit with an average of one false, distorted or denied news story per day, according to an analysis by a Washington news site. Washington Examiner columnist Paul Bedard compiled the following list, which was published on Feb. 24: […]

Texas firm set to launch development of massive Israeli gas field

Texas firm set to launch development of massive Israeli gas field

by WorldTribune Staff, February 24, 2017 Texas-based Noble Energy said it is set to begin developing Israel’s massive offshore Leviathan gas field. The first phase of the project will begin immediately, the company said in a statement issued on Feb. 23. Noble Energy said it expects the first gas to flow in 2019. Leviathan, discovered in 2010 […]

UK wary of Russian support for Libyan general; Trump’s position unclear

UK wary of Russian support for Libyan general; Trump’s position unclear

by WorldTribune Staff, February 23, 2017 Russia’s defense minister has warned the UK against interfering in Moscow’s foreign policy after Britain’s defense secretary said “we don’t need the bear sticking his paws” into Libya. Sir Michael Fallon had criticized talks held between Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu and Libyan National Army commander Gen. Khalifa Haftar, […]

Outsourced protests bring ‘threat of violence’ to GOP town halls

Outsourced protests bring ‘threat of violence’ to GOP town halls

by WorldTribune Staff, February 23, 2017 Organized leftist protesters who are “bent on dividing the nation” are engaging in “political thuggery” and sabotaging Republican town hall events, GOP congressmen say. Thousands of leftists, as part of a nationwide “storm-the-town-halls” strategy, organized by groups like the George Soros-funded, are creating media buzz as they shout […]