Iran’s state TV photoshopped Charlize Theron, presenter of its politicized Oscar

Iran’s state TV photoshopped Charlize Theron, presenter of its politicized Oscar

by WorldTribune Staff, March 1, 2017 Enforcing its strict laws on female modesty, a state-run Iranian TV station crudely censored the Oscars broadcast by photoshopping conservative clothing onto Charlize Theron. Theron was the presenter for Best Foreign Language film, which was won by Iranian director Asghar Farhadi for his film “Salesman”. Farhadi used the occasion […]

Democrat implosion? Tweets mock response to Trump’s speech

Democrat implosion? Tweets mock response to Trump’s speech

by WorldTribune Staff, March 1, 2017 The twitterverse lit up with mockery of the man chosen to give the Democratic response to President Donald Trump’s speech before Congress on Feb. 28. Former Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear delivered the response from a coffeehouse with what several Twitter users noted was a seemingly “frozen” group of people […]

Report: ‘Insurrection’ at DHS led by Obama holdovers

Report: ‘Insurrection’ at DHS led by Obama holdovers

by WorldTribune Staff, February 28, 2017 A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report that undercut President Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban position was drafted by Obama administration holdovers in the agency, a report said. A source close to DHS told The Washington Times that the report was “not really a leak but sabotage. This report […]

Pentagon delivers ‘global’ framework for strategy to ‘rapidly defeat ISIS’

Pentagon delivers ‘global’ framework for strategy to ‘rapidly defeat ISIS’

by WorldTribune Staff, February 28, 2017 The Pentagon on Feb. 27 delivered its plan to “rapidly defeat” Islamic State (ISIS) and officials familiar with the plan said it could include deeper U.S. involvement in Syria. Defense Secretary Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis presented the plan after President Donald Trump ordered a 30-day strategy review ahead of […]

Drug cartels ‘control’ Arizona-Mexico border, rancher says

Drug cartels ‘control’ Arizona-Mexico border, rancher says

by WorldTribune Staff, February 28, 2017 An Arizona rancher said that Mexican drug cartels operate with impunity along the Arizona-Mexico border. “The Sinaloa cartel has cartel scouts on our mountains and they essentially control the area,” rancher Jim Chilton told KPNX 12News. Chilton has set up hidden motion-sensor-activated cameras that he says have captured hundreds […]

Merkel yields to Trump: Germany should meet defense spending obligation

Merkel yields to Trump: Germany should meet defense spending obligation

by WorldTribune Staff, February 28, 2017 Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany needs to meet its obligation to spend 2 percent of its GDP on defense. U.S. President Donald Trump is actively pressuring NATO allies to increase their defense spending. Germany currently spends about 1.2 percent of GDP on defense, which Merkel vows to change if […]

Bannon aide now identified by the Left as real threat in Team Trump

Bannon aide now identified by the Left as real threat in Team Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, February 27, 2017 After taking aim at White House strategist Steve Bannon in the opening weeks of the Trump administration, the Left is now targeting his aide, – counterterrorism adviser Sebastian Gorka. The media assault on Gorka, which came from the upper levels of the mainstream press including The New York Times, Washington Post, […]

Palestinian official: ‘I pray to Allah that Iran will produce 1,000 nuclear bombs’

Palestinian official: ‘I pray to Allah that Iran will produce 1,000 nuclear bombs’

by WorldTribune Staff, February 27, 2017 Israel is “truly terrified” of the nuclear deal Iran signed with world powers, the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) envoy to Iran said, adding he hoped Teheran would “produce 1,000 nuclear bombs.” The comments by Salah Zawawi were made in a Feb. 20 interview on Iran-backed Hizbullah’s Al-Manar TV and were translated by […]

Commentary: New fail-safe diet involves merely moving to Venezuela

Commentary: New fail-safe diet involves merely moving to Venezuela

by WorldTribune Staff, February 27, 2017 Pretty much everyone in Venezuela can say they lost 19 pounds on the “Socialist Diet”. Unwillingly, though. “A new study of Venezuela’s stunning decline under Hugo Chavez’s socialist model, still followed faithfully by his lap dog successor, Nicolas Maduro, reports that the average Venezuelan lost 19 pounds in the last […]

Unreported: 1,500 pedophile arrests made nationally since Trump took office

Unreported: 1,500 pedophile arrests made nationally since Trump took office

by WorldTribune Staff, February 26, 2017 President Donald Trump is making good on his pledge to use the “full force and weight” of the U.S. government to break up child sex trafficking rings and lock up sexual predators. Since Trump was sworn in, authorities have arrested more than 1,500 pedophiles in the United States. “This […]