Turkey’s Erdogan wants to swap N.C. minister for ‘our pastor’, exiled rival in Pennsylvania

Turkey’s Erdogan wants to swap N.C. minister for ‘our pastor’, exiled rival in Pennsylvania

by WorldTribune Staff, June 20, 2018 The U.S. Senate and North Carolina’s General Assembly are calling for Turkey to release an American pastor based in Turkey who was arrested in the purges which occurred in the aftermath of the 2016 Turkish coup attempt. Pastor Andrew Brunson, a native of Black Mountain, North Carolina, was charged […]

U.S. withdraws from ‘self-serving’ UN Human Rights Council

U.S. withdraws from ‘self-serving’ UN Human Rights Council

by WorldTribune Staff, June 20, 2018 The United States on June 19 said it withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council after an unsuccessful effort to reform the council. “When a so-called Human Rights Council cannot bring itself to address the massive abuses in Venezuela and Iran, and it welcomes the Democratic Republic of Congo […]

Behind the historic invasion from the South: The Left’s desperate quest for Democrat voters

Behind the historic invasion from the South: The Left’s desperate quest for Democrat voters

Special to WorldTribune.com Jeffrey T. Kuhner The Democrats and their media allies have been engaging in one of the greatest lies in U.S. history. They have painted President Trump as a hateful child-abuser, who is deliberately separating illegal alien children from their migrant parents caught illegally crossing into our country. MSNBC and CNN compared the […]

Congressmen at Judiciary hearing blast ‘explicit’ DOJ bias

Congressmen at Judiciary hearing blast ‘explicit’ DOJ bias

by WorldTribune Staff, June 19, 2018 There is insurmountable evidence of bias on the part of the FBI and Department of Justice against President Donald Trump, members of the Senate Judiciary Committee said on June 18. Rep. Trey Gowdy followed up with withering questions for Inspector General Michael Horowitz at the House Judiciary Committee. See […]

Summoned to Beijing? Kim Jong-Un visits China for 3rd time in 3 months

Summoned to Beijing? Kim Jong-Un visits China for 3rd time in 3 months

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, June 19, 2018 North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un on June 19 began a two-day visit to Beijing being viewed as a vain attempt by China’s maximum leader Xi Jinping to save face after the international spectacle of the historic June 12 Kim-Trump summit. In his third visit to China in as […]

Report: Burden of illegal immigration falls most heavily on urban blacks

Report: Burden of illegal immigration falls most heavily on urban blacks

by WorldTribune Staff, June 19, 2018 Working blacks in America’s urban centers are paying a heavy price for illegal immigration, a report said. Meanwhile the White House dismissed the uproar over its enforcement of existing immigration laws as a media-generated distraction. Media coverage of the ongoing congressional hearings following release of the Justice Department Inspector […]

Crimes on the rise in UK as arrests sharply plummet

Crimes on the rise in UK as arrests sharply plummet

by WorldTribune Staff, June 18, 2018 The UK’s depleted police force is unable to keep up with the rising crime rate as official police data show that just 9 percent of suspects in all crimes are caught and punished. The data show a reduction in arrests of more than 50 percent in the past five […]

Iran summit? Columnist says Trump-Khamenei sit-down would be instructive

Iran summit? Columnist says Trump-Khamenei sit-down would be instructive

by WorldTribune Staff, June 19, 2018 Though Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is nearly certain to reject it, U.S. President Donald Trump should nonetheless offer to meet with Iran’s supreme leader “as it would show the Iranian people and the world who the real peacemaker is,” a columnist wrote. “Such an offer isn’t as fanciful as it […]

Giving peace a chance: U.S., S. Korean forces salute, hit pause button on war games

Giving peace a chance: U.S., S. Korean forces salute, hit pause button on war games

Special to WorldTribune.com By Donald Kirk The Pentagon has reluctantly followed the orders of President Donald Trump and cancelled the next set of military exercises that U.S. and South Korea forces were to have staged jointly in August. U.S. Defense Department in Washington announced the decision simultaneously with South Korea’s ministry of national defense after […]

New D’Souza book: Obama ‘despised people like me’

New D’Souza book: Obama ‘despised people like me’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 18, 2018 In 2012, Dinesh D’Souza’s film “2016: Obama’s America”, became the second-highest-grossing political documentary in history. Following the film’s success, President Barack Obama responded by calling it “a deliberate distortion” of his “record and world view.” In his new book, “Death of a Nation”, D’Souza writes: “If you strike at […]