Soros group counters widespread evidence that North Carolina’s economy is booming

Soros group counters widespread evidence that North Carolina’s economy is booming

by WorldTribune Staff, October 27, 2016 Tax cuts have delivered more jobs and higher pay for North Carolina residents, with the Tar Heel state’s economy growing faster than the national average in each of the last three years. Such data is of no concern to the George Soros-funded Budget & Tax Center, a project of […]

Election law violation? Hillary Clinton campaigns at early voting site in North Carolina

Election law violation? Hillary Clinton campaigns at early voting site in North Carolina

by WorldTribune Staff, October 24, 2016 Hillary Clinton showed up to campaign at an early voting location in Raleigh, North Carolina on Oct. 23 – and may have violated election law in the process. Clinton was “mobbed” at the early voting location at Chavis Community Center, Reuters reporter Luciana Lopez tweeted. North Carolina AIDS Action […]

CNN blames Trump for the firebombing of GOP headquarters in a heavily Democratic N.C. county

CNN blames Trump for the firebombing of GOP headquarters in a heavily Democratic N.C. county

by WorldTribune Staff, October 17, 2016 The Oct. 16 firebombing of Republican party headquarters in Orange County, North Carolina and vandalizing of an adjacent building with the words “Nazi Republicans leave town or else” was “an attack on our democracy,” North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory said. “Violence has no place in our society – but […]

How affordable is the Affordable Care Act? Only one insurer remains in North Carolina

How affordable is the Affordable Care Act? Only one insurer remains in North Carolina

by WorldTribune Staff, October 17, 2016 Just one health insurer, Blue Cross Blue Shield, remains in North Carolina. And its rates are rising by about 25 percent. “In no other state will as many people find such limited choice. But what is happening to North Carolinians epitomizes a national checkerboard of ACA haves and have-nots,” […]

TV coverage in North Carolina of rallies by candidates, Graham called ‘selective’

TV coverage in North Carolina of rallies by candidates, Graham called ‘selective’

by WorldTribune Staff, October 16, 2016 Donald Trump is packing huge arenas with tens of thousands of supporters on a daily basis while Hillary Clinton plays to much smaller audiences. Media consumers limited to major outlets would never be aware of this huge discrepancy in attendance, online critics have pointed out. The same is even […]

Climate change alarmists disappointed Hurricane Matthew wasn’t more devastating

Climate change alarmists disappointed Hurricane Matthew wasn’t more devastating

by WorldTribune Staff, October 14, 2016 Hurricane Matthew killed at least 42 Americans, 22 in North Carolina, and caused some $9 billion in damage. Apparently, that wasn’t devastating enough for the alarmists who believe climate change is the biggest security threat on the planet. As Matthew was hugging Florida’s coast, Marshall Shepherd, a professor in […]

Hillary Clinton slams North Carolina leaders at rally in Raleigh

Hillary Clinton slams North Carolina leaders at rally in Raleigh

by WorldTribune Staff, September 29, 2016 During a campaign stop in Raleigh on Sept. 27, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton blasted North Carolina’s House Bill 2 (HB2) and scolded the state’s elected leaders for passing it. “The very mean-spirited, wrong-headed decision by your legislature and governor to pass and sign House Bill 2 has hurt […]

Reports: Charlotte unrest organized, funded, staffed from outside North Carolina

Reports: Charlotte unrest organized, funded, staffed from outside North Carolina

by WorldTribune Staff, September 23, 2016 “Instigators” were bused in from out of state to stir the pot in Charlotte, a spokesman for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Fraternal Order of Police said. “This is not Charlotte that’s out here. These are outside entities that are coming in and causing these problems. These are not protesters, these are […]

Limbaugh: In second term of the first black president, rioting is the new normal

Limbaugh: In second term of the first black president, rioting is the new normal

by WorldTribune Staff, September 22, 2016 Text from Rush Limbaugh’s Sept. 21 show: It’s a sad observation, folks. I’m telling you, a sad, sad observation but it’s an observation that I don’t think I’m alone in making. It seems like rioting is almost expected now when there is a cop shooting. A cop shooting, period.  Don’t care about […]

Trump hits ‘global special interests’ in tiny N.C. town

Trump hits ‘global special interests’ in tiny N.C. town

by WorldTribune Staff, September 21, 2016 Donald Trump told a large crowd in the small North Carolina town of Kenansville on Sept. 20 that he would not allow “global special interests” to “run our lives.” “I’m not running to be president of the world, I’m running to be president of the United States,” Trump said […]