Hungary only nation in West to formally act on behalf of endangered Mideast Christians

Hungary only nation in West to formally act on behalf of endangered Mideast Christians

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — One of the silent tragedies among the conflicts raging in the Middle East, concerns the fate of the ancient and now persecuted Christian communities. Concerns for the forgotten and once vibrant Christian minorities especially in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are often politely air brushed out […]

‘Pathetic’: NFL teams stood for ‘God save the Queen’ in London but not for the ‘Star Spangled Banner’

‘Pathetic’: NFL teams stood for ‘God save the Queen’ in London but not for the ‘Star Spangled Banner’

Special to Jeffrey T. Kuhner Trump is right. It’s time fans take a stand against the NFL’s multimillionaire thugs, who are protesting by kneeling during the national anthem. Their actions are not just disrespectful, but obscene and grotesque. The National Felon’s League has made a fatal mistake: It believes it has become bigger than […]

‘Decorum’ at UN wrecked by ‘provocative’ N. Korean tests, Trump’s ‘substance’

‘Decorum’ at UN wrecked by ‘provocative’ N. Korean tests, Trump’s ‘substance’

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Truth has become stranger than fiction even here at the United Nations where the recently concluded annual debate of world leaders was both clouded by threats of conflict in Korea and to a backdrop of natural calamities from Caribbean hurricanes to earthquakes. Clearly a week […]

Playing defense: Who are Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump kidding with their war of words?

Playing defense: Who are Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump kidding with their war of words?

Special to By Donald Kirk It wasn’t exactly a declaration of war, but it did come close. What else to make of President Trump’s remark that the U.S. might “totally destroy North Korea”? It was one thing to belittle Kim Jong-Un as “rocket man” but quite another to threaten annihilation of a country torn […]

Confronting Elizabeth Warren: The question she fears most

Confronting Elizabeth Warren: The question she fears most

Special to Jeffrey T. Kuhner Is Sen. Elizabeth Warren a hypocrite? That’s the question I recently posed to the liberal Democrat outside of the WRKO studio. Her response was telling: Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. In other words, I touched a very raw nerve. First, let me explain about the confrontation that […]

Economic powerhouse Taiwan has made ‘going green’ a national priority

Economic powerhouse Taiwan has made ‘going green’ a national priority

Special to By John J. Metzler NEW YORK — Taiwan’s socio/economic success story is world renowned.  Yet an unfortunate byproduct of Taiwan’s rapid industrial development from the 1960’s through 1980’s involved considerable amounts of air and water pollution.  Taiwan’s next challenge strives to create a cleaner environment by widespread policies of going green. In […]

As UN convenes, N. Korea is only one crisis: Consider China-backed Burma’s ethnic cleansing

As UN convenes, N. Korea is only one crisis: Consider China-backed Burma’s ethnic cleansing

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Amid the backdrop of global conflicts and humanitarian crises, presidents, prime ministers, and potentates from 193 member states have gathered in New York for the 72nd annual General Assembly of the United Nations. The Autumn Assembly comes at a time of renewed political and humanitarian […]

Oil for N. Korea: China much angrier at THAAD than Pyongyang’s nukes

Oil for N. Korea: China much angrier at THAAD than Pyongyang’s nukes

Special to By Donald Kirk President Moon Jae-In has to be a master of the art of compromise. He was all for the latest watered-down UN sanctions that cut down but don’t cut off the flow of oil from China and Russia to North Korea. The U.S. would far prefer to see all the […]

Columnist calls out Catholic hypocrisy on ‘Dreamers’: Jesus Christ was no ‘crypto-globalist’

Columnist calls out Catholic hypocrisy on ‘Dreamers’: Jesus Christ was no ‘crypto-globalist’

Special to Jeffrey T. Kuhner Steve Bannon is right: The Catholic Church has a vested economic interest in unlimited illegal immigration. To deny it — as the U.S. church hierarchy is doing — is not just wrong. It’s foolish and hypocritical. The former Trump chief strategist made the remarks in a recent interview on […]

Hurricanes and humanity: A common sense assessment

Hurricanes and humanity: A common sense assessment

Special to By Sol W. Sanders The two recent horrendous storms have settled the continuing argument about climate change, although neither side in what has been the recent lively and costly dispute in time and energy may recognize it. Our argument begins with the fact that it is hard to exaggerate the force of […]

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