Obama’s leaked letter to his successor: ‘It’s up to us … to sustain the international order

Obama’s leaked letter to his successor: ‘It’s up to us … to sustain the international order

by WorldTribune Staff, September 4, 2017 In what would be the last direct communication between the 44th and 45th presidents, Barack Obama left a 275-word hand-written letter to Donald Trump in the top drawer of the Resolute Desk. CNN said it obtained a copy of the letter, written on White House stationery, from someone Trump […]

More than 110,000 sign petition asking White House to declare George Soros a terrorist

More than 110,000 sign petition asking White House to declare George Soros a terrorist

by WorldTribune Staff, September 4, 2017 A petition posted on the “We the People” section of the White House website asks the Trump administration to declare leftist billionaire George Soros a domestic terrorist. The petition has over 110,000 signatures, which passes the threshold to necessitate a response from the White House. Several petitions that have […]

In first, U.S. F-35s joined B-1 bombers in response to N. Korean ICBM test

In first, U.S. F-35s joined B-1 bombers in response to N. Korean ICBM test

by WorldTribune Staff, September 3, 2017 The show of force by the U.S. and its allies in response to North Korea’s intermediate-range ballistic missile test on Aug. 28 included U.S. Marine Corps F-35s and U.S. Air Force B-1B bombers joined for the first time in a “sequenced bilateral mission” that included Japan and South Korea’s […]

Nuke fallout: Trump knocks Seoul on ‘appeasement’, China to back North if U.S. strikes first

Nuke fallout: Trump knocks Seoul on ‘appeasement’, China to back North if U.S. strikes first

by WorldTribune Staff, September 3, 2017 In the wake of North Korea’s test of a 100-kiloton hydrogen bomb, U.S. President Donald Trump had harsh words for the Kim Jong-Un regime in Pyongyang, but also came down hard on South Korea for what he said was Seoul’s policy of “appeasement.” “South Korea is finding, as I […]

Wild card: Canada fought N. Korea, now lacks defenses against missile attack

Wild card: Canada fought N. Korea, now lacks defenses against missile attack

by WorldTribune Staff, September 3, 2017 Canada, which participated in the Korean War and is still technically at war with North Korea, faces a “unique vulnerability” should Pyongyang decide to target the Great White North, an analyst said. “At present, Canada does not possess any means to deter or counter” a North Korean nuclear ballistic […]

U.S. eyes easing sanctions on Sudan, but raises concerns over persecution of Christians

U.S. eyes easing sanctions on Sudan, but raises concerns over persecution of Christians

by WorldTribune Staff, September 3, 2017 The Trump administration on Aug. 29 raised concerns over Sudan’s persecution of religious minorities during talks aimed at easing sanctions on Khartoum which have been in place for 20 years. Mark Green, newly-appointed head of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), held the talks with senior Sudanese officials […]

Senators ask FBI why Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton before investigating her

Senators ask FBI why Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton before investigating her

by WorldTribune Staff, September 1, 2017 Republican senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee said in a letter to the FBI this week that then-FBI Director James Comey began drafting a statement exonerating Hillary Clinton in the investigation of her private email server before interviewing key witnesses – including Clinton herself. “Conclusion first, fact-gathering second – […]

Letter to the Editor: Americans must stand with the president and against the forces of darkness

Letter to the Editor: Americans must stand with the president and against the forces of darkness

Special to WorldTribune.com Excerpted from Fairfax Free Citizen Dear Editor, Listening to the media, one would believe that chaos rules the land. While there is turmoil, the vast majority of Americans go about their daily affairs unencumbered and seemingly unaffected by current events. Truth is, we are all affected by the anger, the turmoil, and […]

Report: Politics was not why Kaepernick was spurned by NFL, ‘the ultimate meritocracy’

Report: Politics was not why Kaepernick was spurned by NFL, ‘the ultimate meritocracy’

by WorldTribune Staff, September 1, 2017 Quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s political crusade has not been a factor in NFL teams’ not signing him, three league executives and one coach told Sports Illustrated. No “blackballing” had occurred, as far as the three were concerned. The executives and coach, all of whom represent teams needing a quarterback, told […]

Tit for tat: U.S. closes 3 Russian consular facilities in U.S.

Tit for tat: U.S. closes 3 Russian consular facilities in U.S.

Special to WorldTribune.com By Christopher Sparks, September 1, 2017 The U.S. State Department on Aug. 31 said that, “in the spirit of parity,” the U.S. is closing Russian diplomatic facilities in San Francisco, Washington, D.C. and New York City. The closures will be completed by Sept. 2, a person identified as a senior Trump administration […]