Family of eyewitness to shooting of Nevada rancher LaVoy Finicum evicted from home

Family of eyewitness to shooting of Nevada rancher LaVoy Finicum evicted from home

Special to A woman who took her family gospel band to perform for occupiers at an Oregon wildlife refuge earlier this year was arrested and seven of her children were removed from their Kansas home. Odalis Sharp, 46, of Auburn was booked into the Shawnee County jail on April 29 for battery of an […]

Sen. Ben Sasse’s open letter to the majority of Americans

Sen. Ben Sasse’s open letter to the majority of Americans

TO: Those who think both leading presidential candidates are dishonest and have little chance of leading America forward: (…or, stated more simply) TO: The majority of America: FROM: Sen. Ben Ssse, R-Neb. Note: If you are one of those rare souls who genuinely believe Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are honorable people – if they […]

Clinton’s ‘off the reservation’ remark triggers anger for Native Americans, disbelief in others

Clinton’s ‘off the reservation’ remark triggers anger for Native Americans, disbelief in others

Special to Hillary Clinton has extended the peace pipe and apologized for offending Native Americans. The Democratic presidential front-runner, in remarks about GOP front-runner Donald Trump on April 29, said that she’s used to dealing with men who “get off the reservation.” The comment triggered outrage among Native American advocates, not to mention derision […]

University deletes cheerleader tryout ‘do’s and don’ts’ after PC outrage

University deletes cheerleader tryout ‘do’s and don’ts’ after PC outrage

Special to Microaggression alert. Apparently, a University of Washington infographic featuring a blonde, white cheerleader on a list of “do’s and dont’s” for cheer and dance team tryouts was too much for the grievance industry to handle. The list of “do’s” includes “girl about town lipstick,” “false lashes” and “flattering eye shadow,” “nude fingernail […]

The critical foreign policy issues Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech needed to tackle

The critical foreign policy issues Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech needed to tackle

Special to By Sol W. Sanders Donald Trump’s much ballyhooed foreign policy speech was a minor disaster. Not only did Trump fail to set out a succinct foreign policy philosophy and agenda, but the speech itself [even with a teleprompter] was a failure in his effort to move to a more “presidential” persona. One […]

Report: ‘Deep and disturbing decline in media freedoms’ … including in the USA and Europe

Report: ‘Deep and disturbing decline in media freedoms’ … including in the USA and Europe

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Governments throughout the world seem increasingly nervous if not paranoid over a free press and media, according to a searingly poignant survey by Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The annual survey of the global media in 180 countries, the French-based monitor report underscores a gradual deterioration […]

Commander in Chief Obama’s lone military victory: A liberalized Pentagon

Commander in Chief Obama’s lone military victory: A liberalized Pentagon

Special to The U.S. military is more prepared than ever – to fight climate change and allow soldiers to use their gender-identified restrooms. The liberalization of the Pentagon appears to be President Barack Obama’s lone battlefield victory and the nation’s military leaders, with the possible exception of the Marine Corps, are squarely behind him, […]

Report: Prince was conservative Christian said to oppose gay marriage

Report: Prince was conservative Christian said to oppose gay marriage

Special to The provocative, sometimes raunchy music mega-star Prince was also deeply spiritual and reportedly opposed gay marriage, according to a Washington Post commentary piece. One of the “steamiest pop culture figures in the past quarter-century was a conservative Christian. Religious and spiritual themes ran through a huge amount of his work,” Post religion […]

Trumpphobia: If the GOP’s establishment is terrified, so is the world’s

Trumpphobia: If the GOP’s establishment is terrified, so is the world’s

Special to While Donald Trump has the Republican establishment running scared, world leaders are said to be in full-blown panic mode. “However much people recoiled from George W. Bush or have been disappointed by Obama, they see Trump as off the Richter scale,” Peter Mandelson, a member of the British Cabinet under Prime Ministers […]

Presidential primary circus does New York

Presidential primary circus does New York

Special to By John J. Metzler NEW YORK CITY — The seemingly never ending presidential primary circus came through New York with the predictable partisan name calling and puerile political promises. For much of the campaign the political charges and arguments resembled peeved sandbox kicking kindergarten kids more than serious adults running for the […]

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