‘According to Facebook, my pancakes are racist’; Comedian Terrence K. Williams fails to ‘behave’

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, September 6, 2022

In offering his buttermilk gourmet pancake mix for sale, actor and comedian Terrence K. Williams put his own photo on the box.

Facebook has flagged the accounts of Williams over his Cousin T’s Pancake Mix.

Terrence K. Williams

“I’m not happy right now. Facebook is threatening to delete my account in 90 days! If I don’t behave. Why are they coming for me? All I do is make people laugh and sell pancakes,” Williams explained.

“So according to Facebook, my Pancakes are racist!”

What is Facebook’s criteria for determining whether or not pancakes are racist?

There has to be more to this story. And there is.

It has to do with the four letters that automatically get you targeted for cancellation by the woke mob — M-A-G-A.

“This is absolutely crazy and it has everything to do with me being MAGA!” Williams said. “I won’t apologize for it. … Anyways go load up on some ‘racist’ pancakes.”

Williams continued:

“All I do is make people laugh … is behaving, does that mean being nice to Joe Biden? Does that mean being nice to Kamala Harris? They want me to behave. Then they said the independent fact checker said that all I do is post fake news. I tell jokes. How are you gonna fact-check a joke?

“So my face being on a pancake box is also racist. People’s accounts have been deemed for posting pictures of my pancake box. Now my account is about to be deleted in 90 days if I don’t behave like Facebook wants me to.

“Hell no. I won’t stop selling pancakes, and I’m not taking my face off… Look at that racist black face. The hell is this racist? How am I racist to put my own face on the box? If I was a liberal, they would have me on every TV.

“This is harassment Facebook dinged my pancake box as racist because my face is on it. I won’t remove it. I added new flavors. Buckwheat, Chocolate Chip, & Blueberry is back in stock!”

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