by WorldTribune Staff, April 9, 2023
In 2022, 18-year-old Trista Martin of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma wanted to attend a concert of the Australian pop group 5 Seconds of Summer.
Martin felt “it would be easier to get in” if she got the Covid injection, filmmaker John Davidson, Host of reported on April 7.

“Trista then went behind her parents’ backs to the office of Dr. Athena Mason in Broken Arrow to get it. During her visit, Dr. Mason’s office also conducted bloodwork. Trista’s health was obviously deemed well enough for the Pfizer Covid vaccine, so she received her first dose in July of 2022. Not wanting to worry her parents, she asked her friends not to let her father know she had gotten the vaccine.”
On the morning of Nov. 9, 2022, Trista woke at her half-sisters home near the Martin family home and said that she felt like she was dying. She was encouraged to go back to sleep and get some more rest. Soon after, she was unresponsive. CPR was started and when paramedics arrived they were able to get Trista’s heart beating again.
“Once in the hospital Trista repeatedly coded and it was during this time the father heard doctors and nurses discussing an enlarged heart. One of Trista’s friends then told Allen Trista had gotten the vaccine,” Davidson noted. “Doctors desperately work to keep Trista alive, but eventually her body was too broken to continue. The family was asked to let her go.”
Local media did not cover the story.
Davidson, who is also founder of Ad Agency Magic Feather, Inc., noted that, after Trista had passed, her father contacted Dr. Mason’s office to tell her of the death of his daughter. He suggested they reconsider giving any further shots out. The receptionist said “Okay, thanks!” and hung up.
At the time of Trista Martin’s death, the FDA had confirmed there was a known risk of myocarditis and pericarditis in teens who received the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid shot.
It was also known that teens were at a very low risk from any real damage from the virus. For teens with natural immunity, the risk was even lower.
Unfortunately, at the time there was also “a known risk to doctors who speak out about this issue,” Davidson noted.
Dr. Mary Tally Bowden of Houston knows all about the risk to doctors.
“Dr. Bowden has been targeted mercilessly with lawfare tactics by groups funded in part by BIO, the pharmaceutical lobbying group and entities linked to Democrat campaign organizers,” Davidson noted. “Dr. Bowden used treatments that didn’t require a vaccine, which created a risk to the never ending flow of cash that comes from the vaccine industrial complex. Further, according to the rules of the FDA, if there is any treatment for a diseases under an emergency use authorization (EUA), then the EUA must end. That would have cost billions or even trillions of easy income for hospitals, university, and researchers around the country – most of which are liberally aligned.”
Davidson added: “Local news doesn’t cover Trista’s story. Efforts to get them to attend her memorial were ignored. I contacted Dr. Mason and shared a flier with her inviting her to attend. In my opinion this disaster in the healthcare industry won’t end until regular doctors like Dr. Mason start asking their own questions despite intimidation from hospital systems or fear of malpractice lawsuits. Even now, despite the overwhelming losses families of children killed by these vaccines have endured, I find these families would still welcome doctors who previously had slandered them as ‘disinformation’ or ignored their cries as merely ‘anecdotal’. None of this is made easier by Oklahoma’s medical examiner slow-walking the autopsy. Records from the hospital provided to Allen were given in print form, burying the truth in hundreds of pages of difficult to search documents. Intentional obfuscation of evidence is one way the medical industry hides unpleasant truths.”
On Saturday, March 25, 2023, friends and family gathered in Broken Arrow to celebrate the life of Trista Martin.
“When Trista was in high school, she wrote a bucket list of things she wanted to do in this life. Trista’s family honored one last wish from her list by organizing a floating lantern event in her memory,” Davidson said. He attended the event and filmed it for
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